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How to Move Contacts to a New Android Phone (100% Work)

NESABAMEDIA.COM – With the help of HP, you can contact anyone in an instant. When you need to quickly ask someone something, you just need to look up the person’s name in the contact list to contact them.

Even those who are in an emergency situation can contact family members and security in just a few seconds. Distance is no longer a barrier. No matter how far away you are from the person you are contacting, you can still communicate smoothly as long as the signal condition is still adequate. The cost to make calls is relatively low.

No wonder then HP becomes one of the items that are needed in everyday life. According to the Secretary General of the Ministry of Communication and Information at a dialogue event in Bali in June 2021, the number of cellphones in Indonesia is more than the total population of Indonesia.

This is an indication that the Indonesian people can no longer be separated from HP, especially with the relatively cheap price of HP. All types of cellphones are available for all people, including low-end cellphones for people who want to have cellphones but are constrained by price.

How to Move Contacts to a New Phone

Not a few people who often change cellphones to have more sophisticated cellphones even though their cellphones are still in very good condition. Even if you don’t belong to that type of user, one day you will definitely need a new cellphone because the old cellphone has started showing symptoms of damage, the cellphone is no longer comfortable to use, or for other reasons.

It is at the time of replacing the cellphone that you also need to move the contact list from the old cellphone to the new cellphone. How do I move contacts to a new cellphone?

1. Open menu Contact on your old HP. Then you click Menu icon as indicated by the arrow.

Transferring Contacts to New Phone 1

2. After that you select the menu Settings.

How to Move Contacts to a New Phone

3. To move your contacts, select Export.

Moving Contacts to New Phone 3

4. Then select Share all contacts.

Moving Contacts to New Phone 4

5. Wait for the export process to complete. After that click Tap to share contacts.

how to quickly move contacts to a new phone

6. Here we will send a list of contacts on the old HP via Gmail. You can also use Whatsapp, Bluetooth or other media that you like. choose Just Once.

Move Contacts to New Phone 6

7. Destination address you can enter the gmail address on the new cellphone. After that click the button send.

how to move contacts to new phone via gmail

8. Then on your new cellphone, open the Gmail application. Then download contact file just sent.

Moving Contacts to New Phone 8

9. After the download is complete, just click the file.

Move Contacts to New Phone 9

10. After that import it into the Gmail account on the new cellphone.

Move Contacts to New Phone 10

11. Wait for the import process to complete. Contacts from the old cellphone were successfully transferred to the new cellphone.

For some people, the contact list is just a collection of names and cellphone numbers that are not so important so that losing contacts is not a headache. Meanwhile, many also consider the contact list to be the most important data on their cellphone, especially professionals who have many connections and clients.

For them, losing a contact list is like losing a business opportunity. That’s why they never forget to always move contacts to a new cellphone every time they feel the need to change cellphones.

By following all the instructions above, you don’t need to transfer contacts to a new cellphone by typing each name in the contact list. This manual method still makes sense if your contact list only contains a few names, but of course it will be very inconvenient if the number of names is already in the tens or even hundreds.

And lastly, backups. Even if you are very careful in using your cellphone, there is still the possibility of losing your contact list on your cellphone because of a problem that you didn’t expect.

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