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How to Delete Youtube History on an Android Phone (Latest 2021)

Youtube is one of the most popular video sites, where with YouTube, everyone can find whatever video they are looking for, be it the latest movie trailer videos, tutorials, funny videos and so on. The existence of YouTube is very helpful in facilitating human activities.

Youtube can not only be used via the web, but YouTube is also available in the form of an Android application that is already embedded manually default on your android phone. In the YouTube application there is a search feature that makes it easy for users to search for videos based on the keywords they type. But for some reason, many people want to delete the history or search history they have done.

how to delete youtube search history

Example of search history on youtube that has not been deleted

How to Delete History on Youtube

In this article, I will explain how to delete YouTube history directly on your Android phone. By deleting the search history that you have done, other people will not know what kind of videos you are usually looking for. Immediately, here are the steps on how to delete history on YouTube:

1. Open your youtube application. Then click on your profile as indicated by the arrow.

youtube search history 2

2. After that select Settings.

How to Delete History on Youtube

3. On the menu Settings, choose History and privacy.

how to delete history on youtube

4. To delete the search history that you have done, select Clear search history.

youtube search history 5

5. If you don’t want your search history to be saved or visible, you can choose Pause search history. So every time you type a keyword in the youtube search box, all the keywords you enter will not be saved.

how to delete history on youtube

That’s how to delete history on YouTube easily. You can even set YouTube not to save any search history you’ve ever done, so people don’t know what video you’re looking for and your privacy is maintained.

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