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Get to know the characteristics of Smurf Dota 2 accounts around you

OKEGUYS – Account smurf roaming around in Dota 2 is starting to annoy the players.

For those of you who don’t know, the term smurf a designation for players who have a high rank but play at a low rank.

They did it just for fun by slaughtering the newbie, the fun smurf feel is misery for novice Dota 2 players.

As a result, these beginners will always be stuck at a low rank and cannot improve their playing abilities.

Due to the unrest, OKEGUYS tries to give you tips on recognizing the smurf accounts that are hanging around in Dota 2.

Characteristics of a Smurf Account in Dota 2

Dota 2 Smurf Account Features
Photo: youtube/rizpol
  • Keep in mind, account smurf often hang around at low rank
  • Player smurf usually will use one hero massively, especially the hero who is currently meta or overpowered.
  • Smurfs will be more likely to play the mid lane/carry role hero, because these two roles are the key to victory in the Dota 2 match.
  • They have the ability to play above your average rank
  • Not often smurf also likes to blame his team for playing so badly.
  • Visit the profile of the account you suspect smurf, and see the statistics

Also Read: World’s Highest Record! 23savage Touch MMR 12K in Dota 2

What Should We Do When We Find a Smurf Account?

Currently, Valve as the developer of Dota 2 has provided a report player feature with options Matchmaking Abuse.

Dota 2 Smurf Account Features

Players can be said matchmaking abuse when manipulating the game, boost, and other similar things (including accounts smurf).

Everything Valve does to create fair matchmaking and also provide the best experience for all Dota 2 players.

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