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Recommended Best Item Build for Hero Enigma Dota 2

OKEGUYS – Here guys, close up, because we want to tell you the best build items for Enigma heroes in Dota 2! Guarantee you will always auto win guys.

Player Dota 2 who doesn’t know the Enigma hero? This hero is really identical to the Black Hole, which is ready to make team wipe your enemy.

Enigma is an INT hero with a support role, and very dangerous for both teams.

Loh, why the two teams? Because, if you can play Enigma well, it is certain that you will win. Otherwise, the enemy team will take advantage of Enigma’s weakness.

Well, now OKEGUYS wants to tell you the best build item for Enigma, which is guaranteed to make you win every match. Come on, let’s just take a look, guys.

Best Build Items for Enigma Heroes in Dota 2

These are some of the items that you must collect, guys.

1. Guardian Greaves

best build items enigma dota 2
Photo: dotafire

Guardian Greaves, actually an upgrade item between Arcane Boots and Mekansm. To early games. you can make Arcane Boots first.

This item is very useful for Enigma and also the team, because it will provide a fairly large heal.

2. Blink Dagger

Photo: dotafire

Blink Dagger is the ultimate, most important, and mandatory item that Enigma must have.

Without this item, you will find it difficult to do Black Hole perfectly and hit many opposing heroes. You can also use it to escape.

3. Black King Bar

Photo: dotafire

When doing a Black Hole, you will be a target and very vulnerable to being cancelled. So, Enigma really needs BKB to withstand disable spells such as stun and hex.

4. Refresher Orb

Photo: dotafire

Furthermore, Enigma also needs a Refresher Orb which will allow Enigma to do 2X Black Hole.

This item will be very important when your team wins/loses, because if used correctly, it will be able to reverse the situation.

5. Aghanim’s Scepter

Photo: dotafire

To make Black Hole Enigma even more painful, build Aghanim’s Scepter.

Aghanim’s will make Black Hole Enigma automatically have the effect of his 3rd skill, which gives DPS of 7% of the opponent’s max life hero.

6. Octarine Core

best build items enigma dota 2
Photo: dotafire

Being the last thing in this build, Octarine Core is an excellent item for Enigma in the late game.

Octarine Core will reduce the cooldown of all Enigma skills and items by 25%.

Read also: Invoker Midlaner Dota 2’s Best Item Build Recommendations

That’s it Guys, the best build item for Enigma heroes in Dota 2. Make sure you try this build, Guys and make sure your Black Hole hits 5 heroes at once.

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