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[Guide] Fortnite Battle Pass Season 5 Challenges Week 2

Fortnite season 5 week 2: “score a basketball on different hoops” and search beetwen an oasis, rock archway and dinosaurs”

Entered the 2nd week of Season 5, Epic Games released challenges new good for free pass as well as those who buy battle pass. In this article, Game Fever will give you a guide for the challenges in this 2nd week. In addition, Game Fever also has a guide for those of you who like farming V-Bucks. And this farming method is very suitable at this time, because of the mode Save the World which is discounted up to 50 percent.

Fortnite Battle Pass Challenges – Season 5 Week 2

Some of the challenges above are very easy. For example, you are required to give damage to the enemy by using Assault Rifles. Easy isn’t it? Or maybe looking for 7 bullet boxes in one match. But there are some of the challenges above that you really need to be willing to complete.

Score a basketball on different hoops

Now in this guide, Game Fever will give you a guide for 2 challenges that many of you may not know where to look. The first is “score a basketball on different hoops” which means you have to look for basketball hoops scattered on the map and score 5 times in different places. Don’t be afraid, you just have to look at the picture below and throw the basketball. But be careful. Because some spots are usually crowded with other players.

Remember, you can only score in 1 basketball ring. Although on a basketball court there are usually 2 hoops.

Search between an oasis, rock archway and dinosaurs (HARD)

Make the next challenge quite difficult and you have to really look at the latest locations added to Fortnite. To be able to complete this challenge, you just need to go to the location marked on the map and look for the star directly.

If you are still having trouble, you can directly check the video that has been made by GamesRadar.

When you arrive at the location, you may have to quickly grab the star and run away. Given that there will be many other players who will also look for the star.

Video source: Games Radar

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