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Build the Best Items for Aggressive Meepo in Dota 2

OKEGUYS – Build the best items for Meepo heroes with aggressive play in Dota 2, guaranteed to make your MMR go up tonight.

For you players Dota 2, definitely know the hero Meepo, who is the hero with the highest level of difficulty besides Invoker.

With the ultimate Divided We Stand, Meepo will summon his 5 twins to fight in battle. But if 1 Meepo dies, then all of them will die too.

This hero also has the ability to spawn from one Meepo to another, so you have to control 5 Meepo at a time.

For those of you who like challenges and want to try using Meepo in matches, OKEGUYS wants to tell you the best build item recommendations for Meepo.

Come on, let’s just see how the best build for this one hero.

The Best Item Build For The Aggressive Meepo Game Dota 2

1. Boots of Travel

meepo dota 2 build items
Photo: dotafire

For shoes, Meepo will be very good if you use Boots of Travel and you should build this item immediately.

With these shoes, Meepo will be very quick to do farming, pushing, and kidnapping enemy heroes.

2. Blink Dagger

Photo: dotafire

To perform Meepo’s combo attack, you need Blink Dagger to catch and kidnap your opponent.

You only need to Blink towards the opponent’s hero, activate the Poof skill, tie it with skill 1, and it is guaranteed that the opponent’s hero will die in an instant with this combo.

3. Ethereal Blade

Photo: dotafire

To hurt the magical damage from skill poof, you can build Ethereal Blade and it will reduce the opponent’s hero’s magic resistance by 40%.

4. Aghanim’s Scepter

Photo: dotafire

Next is Aghanim’s Scepter which will increase your Meepo count. If with Aghanim’s, the number of Meepo reaches 5.

5. Scythe of Vyse

Photo: dotafire

To carry out the kidnapping process during the late game, Meepo will need a Scythe of Vyse which will make it easier for him to kill the opponent’s hero.

6. Eye of Skadi

meepo dota 2 build items
Photo: dotafire

Finally, there is the Eye of Skadi, with this item Meepo will make the opponent’s hero very slow when hit.

Not only that, the stats given by Skadi are large enough to help Meepo’s attack and defense.

Read also: Recommended Best Item Build for Hero Enigma Dota 2

Well, here are the best build items for Meepo in Dota 2 that you can try. So for those of you who are aggressive players, you can really try to build this one item.

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