3 Ways to Rename Entire Files (+Image)
The number of files on the computer makes you confused in the search. Moreover, the files are arranged without grouping them into folders or giving file names as they please. The search process will take longer and will certainly waste time.
If you’ve saved the file anywhere, you’ll need to change its name so you don’t have any more trouble finding it. Here you do not need to use the manual method to change some of these files.
How to rename a lot of files in a fast time? Luckily, Windows has several ways to rename a whole file without any additional software.
3 Ways to Rename Entire Files
Here are 3 ways that can be used to rename the entire file by taking advantage of the features available in Windows.
1. Via Windows Explorer
The first method is arguably the easiest. Why? You just need to open the file to be renamed via Windows Explorer.
1. Block the entire file to be renamed. Then, right click on your mouse, select rename.
2. Next, rename the file as you wish.
3. The file has been renamed in its entirety.
2. Via Powershell
Powershell is a Windows 10 default application which is similar to CMD (Command Prompt). Here you only need 2 commands, namely director and Rename -Item.
For more details, look at the image below.
1. Go to the directory, where you saved the file to be renamed. Then, enter this command: Dir | Rename-Item -NewName{$_.Name -replace “old_file_name”, “new_file_name.”} After that, don’t forget to enter.
2. The file has been renamed in its entirety. The result is like the image below.
3. Via Command Prompt (CMD)
Using CMD, you can rename files with the rename or ren commands. Then, you can use the sign * to match filenames without getting confused with different filenames. However, the command prompt can change file types such as, .jpg Becomes .png. Pay attention to the method below.
1. Open cmd on your laptop. Then, go to the directory where your files are located. Write orders ren *.jpg *.png on the cmd. Don’t forget to press Enter.
2. The file has been renamed in its entirety. The result is like the image below.
How, easy isn’t it? Now you don’t have to worry about renaming the entire file anymore. You can change the file by applying the methods above. This can make it easier for you to search for files. Thank you and hope it is useful!
Book enthusiasts. Women with noisy minds, prefer to write rather than speak. Calm is my way.
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