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(100% Work) 3 Ways to Disable Windows Defender in Windows 10

Windows Defender is a built-in antivirus program that comes with the latest windows systems which is exclusively developed. Windows Defender works automatically and already provides basic security, but many users still install other antiviruses such as Smadav, McAfee as additional antivirus. This is because there are still many who do not believe in the ability of windows defender in dealing with viruses.

Although it looks simple, Windows Defender often considers applications that are actually safe to be dangerous. Things like this are found when we install an application. For example, you have an important file, but Windows Defender considers it a virus, of course, this makes you irritated.

Windows Defender is arguably too aggressive in detecting a virus. Maybe the goal is good so that users’ laptops and computers are safe from virus attacks, but this often makes users annoyed. Or when you want to install certain software but Windows Defender instead quarantines it and considers it a virus, it certainly makes you shake your head.

How to Disable Windows Defender in Windows 10

The solution to overcome annoying notifications in the form of deleting files because they are considered viruses, unsafe computers and so on, it is recommended that you disable Windows Defender temporarily, or even permanently if it is necessary. Here are the steps on how to easily disable Windows Defender in Windows 10.

1. Via Windows Defender Settings (Temporary)

On the Windows Defender Settings menu, we can find out information or make settings on Windows Defender installed on our laptops and computers. In this menu, users can also find out which files are considered as threats or viruses by Windows Defender. In this menu you can also disable Windows Defender.

  1. Click Windows icon on the desktop or simply press the Windows key on the keyboard.Disabling Windows Defender in Windows 10 - Step 2
  2. Then type windows security then select Windows Defender settings.How to Disable Windows Defender in Windows 10
  3. After that you choose Viruses & threat protection.Disabling Windows Defender in Windows 10 - Step 4
  4. After window Viruses & threat protection, then you choose Virus & threat protection settings.How to Disable Windows Defender in Latest Windows 10
  5. Here you need to turn off the three options that I have marked in red.Disabling Windows Defender in Windows 10 - Step 6
  6. After all successfully turned off / disable, then it will look like this.How to Disable Windows Defender in Windows 10 Permanently

2. Via Local Group Policy Editor (Permanent)

Local Group Policy Editor is a built-in Windows tool that allows users to configure Group Policy in two parts.

The first is User Configuration, Group Policy settings only apply to certain users while the second is Computer Configuration which applies to the entire Windows system. Through the Local Group Policy Editor, we can also disable Windows Defender permanently.

  1. Press the button Windows + R then type gpedit.msc then press Enter.How to Temporarily Disable Windows Defender
  2. After window Local Group Policy Editor open, please go to the folder Local Computer Policy > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Defender Antivirus. After that click 2X option Turn off Windows Defender Antivirus.Disabling Windows Defender in Windows 10 - Step 9
  3. Then you choose Enabled to turn off Windows Defender Antivirus permanently.Solutions to Overcome Windows Defender Antivirus Found Threats

3. Via Registry Editor (Permanent)

Registry is a hierarchical database that contains all the configurations and settings of your Windows, including components, services, applications and many other things. To disable Windows Defender permanently using the Registry Editor, follow the steps below:

  1. Press the button Windows + R then type regedit then press Enter.How to Disable Windows Defender Permanently with Regedit
  2. After that go to the folder HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftWindows Defender.
  3. After that click 2X key DisableAntiSpyware.Disabling Windows Defender in Windows 10 - Step 11
  4. Then enter the value 1 on Value data then select OK. That way, Windows Defender is now permanently disabled.Disabling Windows Defender in Windows 10 - Step 12

Pretty easy isn’t it how to disable Windows Defender in Windows 10? It doesn’t take you long to do it. So many explanations about how to disable windows defender in Windows 10. Please note, turning off windows defender is very dangerous for your computer or laptop.

Therefore, it is recommended not to disable this windows defender antivirus for too long, because computers are very vulnerable to viruses. This is also useful for protecting the data on the computers that we have.

But if you install other antivirus such as ESET, Avast, Avira, it’s okay if you want to permanently disable Windows Defender. The most important thing is that your computer does not have an antivirus. Hopefully useful and can be applied properly. Thank you and good luck!

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