How to Block Certain WiFi on Windows Via CMD (+Image)
The term WiFi is no longer a foreign thing to talk about. WiFi is a technology used to exchange data wirelessly (using radio waves) over a computer network. Currently, almost every public place that we visit already provides WiFi facilities. That way, WiFi has become a mandatory requirement for everyone, be it children or even the elderly.
To be able to enjoy WiFi, we need electronic devices such as computers, smartphones, tablets and others. When you want to enjoy WiFi facilities using a computer is very easy. You only need to activate the WiFi menu on the taskbar. After that, a whole list of WiFi names that are reachable with your current area will appear.
However, with the emergence of a large list of WiFi names or SSIDs, some people are confused about choosing the right WiFi for what they want. Are you one of those people who have experienced something similar?
Don’t worry, you can get rid of the WiFi name. In other words, you should block the WiFi SSID so that you have no trouble finding the WiFi you want. How to ? Let’s see how to block certain WiFi on Windows below.
How to Block Certain WiFi on Windows
To access WiFi on Windows, you just need to select the WiFi icon in the taskbar menu. However, if you have trouble finding the desired WiFi name, you need to block certain WiFi names because the desired WiFi name may not be automatically scanned because of the many WiFi names that appear on Windows computer devices. You can take advantage of Command Prompt to run the WiFi block command as below.
1. First, please run Command Prompt on your computer as “Run as administrator”. If you don’t know how, all you have to do is right-click on the CMD program and then select that option.
2. Type the following command in CMD to block WiFi.
netsh wlan add filter permission=block ssid="NAMA WIFI" networktype=infrastructure
For example, here I want to block WiFi with the SSID “puja ululuululu magic shell”. Then fill in the SSID according to the WiFi name. After that, press Enter.
3. If this command is executed successfully then WiFi SSID the one you want is already blocked so you can’t see it in the list of currently connected WiFi.
Up here, you have succeeded in blocking certain WiFi in Windows. However, keep in mind that the blocking command is not permanent so you can still restore (unblock) the WiFi name with the steps below. The method remains the same, namely by using the Command Prompt as Administrator.
1. To view the list of WiFi that you have blocked, then type the following command.
netsh wlan show filters
2. To grant access permission to the WiFi that you have blocked before you can use this command and press Enter.
netsh wlan delete filter permission=block ssid="NAMA WIFI" networktype=infrastructure
How, easy isn’t it the way to block certain WiFi in Windows? You can do this easily without using any additional applications. Now, you can block the WiFi name that might be bothering you because it has masked the WiFi name you want.
Thus the article on how to block certain WiFi on Windows. Hopefully the article above is useful for you and continue to visit Nesabamedia for other interesting information.
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