Windows 10's Aero Shake Feature Will Be Turned Off By Default
NESABAMEDIA.COM – With Windows 7, Microsoft added the Aero Shake feature, a feature that allows users to shake application windows to minimize all open windows on the desktop page, except for the one currently active window.
The Aero Shake feature is very easy to use but on the other hand it can also be triggered accidentally if the user selects the Title Bar from the window by holding down the left mouse click and moving the mouse quickly.
The Aero Shake feature is basically a multitasking feature and anyone can use it to minimize other open windows on the desktop to the Taskbar, unless the window is selected using the left mouse button. If the user wants to restore a minimized window, the user must shake the Title Bar and the window will reappear.
The biggest problem with the Aero Shake feature is the ‘hit and miss’ process and it takes practice to get used to it. Similarly, users can also accidentally minimize all open windows without realizing what is going on.
Earlier this year, it was reported that Microsoft was planning to discontinue the Aero Shake feature with the Windows 10 Sun Valley update. And it looks like input from testers confirms that it will actually be included in the Windows 10 update.
In the latest Preview Build, the Aero Shake feature has been turned off by default. However, if users still need the feature, they can enable it again by visiting the multitasking settings page, as shown in the following screenshot.
For advanced users, you can also activate it through the Registry Editor. To turn on the feature using the Registry Editor, the user is required to enter a DWORD “DissallowShaking” and assign it a value of 0.
As previously reported, the upcoming Windows 10 Sun Valley update will also bring new multitasking settings.

Aero Shake Multitasking Settings Page
For example, in the future there will be a new multitasking feature that allows users to slide the application window to the end of the screen and its size will change automatically to enable a side-by-side multitasking experience, or what is internally known as “snap-based taskbar grouping”.
This feature will allow users to easily use many applications, especially on devices that have a touch screen.
It is also reported that Microsoft is currently developing a new touch and gesture experience for Windows 10 Sun Valley.

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Currently, he is active in creating social-themed documentary Youtube content as well as being a content writer for a number of websites.
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