Valve Releases Patch 7.05 for Dota 2, Gives Nerf to Lina and Monkey King
Ahead of the Dota 2 Kiev Major, Valve released patches 7.05 for Dota 2. Some changes to patches give nerf to a very popular hero in the 2021 Dota 2 Asia Championship and also buff to heroes that are rarely used.
We’ll give you a brief description of some of the changes that are worth highlighting. If you want to see more details, you can read about it here.
Changes to Hand of Midas and Orb of Venom

Hand of Midas now gives less XP, but gold the more. This will make Hand of Midas no longer give faster levels. That is, there is a possibility that the hero who really needs the level will leave items this. However carry requiring gold will keep using it to speed up progress items.
The Orb of Venom also underwent a change, resulting in damage per second which is greater, but with a duration slow the shorter one. But I think this change is not so significant and will still be popularly used by roaming support such as Monkey King and Earth Spirit.
Tranquil Boots also got a change, no longer needing a Ring of Protection, but requiring Wind Lace to be made. That way these shoes will also not give armor, However movement speed higher.
From this change, I don’t know yet whether the player support will still choose Tranquil Boots. Because sometimes they still buy Wind Lace beside Tranquil Boots. Moreover, additional movement speed provided by Tranquil Boots itself is also insignificant.
Split Push Will Be More Popular?

In patches previously, tower will get two armor additional for each enemy hero in the vicinity. This time, additional armor is increased to three for each enemy hero around. Other than that, armor The base for all heroes is also reduced by two.
This change certainly provides more incentives for strategy split push and also a hero who can do solo push. Especially considering the hero pusher like Dragon Siren, Alchemist, Troll Warlord, and Terrorblade also don’t get nerf. On the other hand, strategies and heroes that take advantage of five man push will become increasingly difficult to do.
Nerf and Buff

Many popular heroes in Dota 2 Asia Championship 2021 get nerf. Some of the highlights are Monkey King and also Lina. Since being playable in Captain’s Mode, Monkey King has always been a popular choice for roaming support as an alternative to Earth Spirit. While Lina became one mid very strong thanks build Talent respawn time plus Bloodstone.
Other heroes like Magnus and Brewmaster were also hit nerf. Magnus is popular for making heroes carry melee in the team can do scaling better. While Brewmaster has recently been used as a pusher using a combination of Earth Panda from Primal Split plus Alacrity from Invoker.
On the other hand, many less popular heroes get buff. Heroes like Zeus, Sven, Viper, Death Prophet, Razor, Shadow Shaman, and Doom get buff especially on their talent.
Will this change make the heroes return to the meta-game? I don’t know, but I’m sure there will be a lot of teams and players trying them out, both on a competitive and casual level.Also read: Knowing the Importance of Creeps / Creep Meeting Points and How to Change It
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