Dota 2 Hero Guide: How to Play Death Prophet
Death Prophet is a hero intelligence long distance with sustainability very high. It is very difficult to kill and is usually equipped with tank items. Even so he is also quite terrible in team fight and can be pusher quite threatening.
It is quite dependent on ultimate Exorcism, he really needs a fairly fast level. The need for survivability items also make it always installed in position core, generally mid or carry.
- pusher very strong
- Very hard to kill
- Movement speed tall one
- Do not have escape mechanism
- It just depends on the level and especially items
- Not so useful without ultimate
1. Crypt Swarm
Death Prophet Shoots a group of bats into the area in front of him.

- Distance cast: 600
- Maximum distance: 810
- Starting radius: 110
- Final radius: 300
- Damage: 75/150/225/300
- Cooldown: 8/7/6/5 seconds
- Where is the cost: 85/110/135/160
There’s not much to say about Crypt Swarm. Spell this is the only one burst damage Versatile for Death Prophet. In early game you can use it as a tool for harass, pressure, as well as securing last hits. In team fight spell this can definitely be safe kill.
2. Silence
Death Prophet makes an opponent in an area hit silence for a few seconds.

- Distance cast: 900
- Radius: 425
- Duration: 3/4/5/6 seconds
- Cooldown: 15/14/13/12 seconds
- Where is the cost: 80/90/100/110
Silence is also spell sufficient straightforward. Even so, its effect which lasted for six seconds was definitely not to be underestimated. Silence that hits two or more opposing heroes can be a determinant of a team fight.
Also read: Know the Types and Differences of Silence, Mute, Break, and Disarm
3. Spirit Siphon
Death Prophet connects itself with the enemy unit, sucks HP and movement speed opponent. Spell It is available in the form of charge and can be used against multiple opponents at once.

- Distance cast: 500
- Distance for the Siphon to disconnect: 750
- Amount charge: 1/2/3/4
- Base HP drain: 14 per second
- Bonus HP drain: 1%/2.5%/4%/5.5% of the target’s maximum HP
- Movement speed drain: 4%/6%/8%/10%
- Duration: 6 seconds
- Cooldown/fill time: 45/40/35/30 seconds
- Where is the cost: 80
Spirit Siphon is spell which makes Death Prophet very difficult to kill. Spell this can make Death Prophet get into the middle team fight without fear. This renders all attacks from the opponent ineffectual, while you earn damage to the opponent.
Spell this makes Death Prophet very strong in lane. He can repel opponents in early game with occasional use. When there support do gank, slow from spell It’s also very helpful to make sure gank it was a success.
4. Exorcism
Death Prophet releases a group of ghosts that will follow and float in the surrounding area. This ghost will touch nearby enemies, sucking the enemy’s HP. When Exorcism’s duration runs out, this ghost will give heal to Death Prophet according to damage that they produce.
Aghanim’s Scepter makes this hero even stronger. When the opponent receives the effect spell or receive an attack from the Death Prophet, a ghost will appear and attack the opponent. This ghost produces damage twice as much as usual and gives slow. Just like Exorcism, this ghost will also give Death Prophet HP when it returns.

- Radius: 700
- Number of ghosts: 8/16/24
- Damage: 59-64 per ghost
- Life drain: 25%
- Duration: 35 seconds
- Cooldown: 145 seconds
- Where is the cost: 250/350/450
Exorcism is spell the main thing that makes Death Prophet quite feared. As long as Exorcism is active, fighting around the Death Prophet is a bad choice because of the ghosts of spell this will generate damage continously. Coupled with Spirit Siphon, this hero will be a scourge if he is in the middle team fight and cannot be killed immediately.
One thing that makes spell this is damage what this ghost produces is damage physical. It means spell immunity such as BKB has no effect. This ghost can also generate damage to tower make it spell which is very strong and safe to do push. Roshan also becomes soft food downstairs spell this.
Talent Tree
- Level 25: +8 Exorcism ghosts or Exorcism gives haste
- Level 20: -3 seconds cooldown Crypt Swarm or +400HP
- Level 15: +150 distance cast or +0.8% drain Spirit Siphon
- Level 10: +12% magic resistance or +30 damage

At level one take one Crypt Swarm point to help you get last hits along early game. Maximize Spirit Siphon as soon as possible. Spell this allows you to play more aggressively and proactively by sticking to the opponent while earning damage.
After maximizing Spirit Siphon, immediately maximize Crypt Swarm for burst damage the greater one. Damage from spell this won’t either scaling moment late game so maximize as soon as possible.
After that just take and maximize Silence. When you start taking spell this, you should enter the phase where your opponent has spell dangerous and must be prevented.
As usual, take Exorcism every time spell it is available. You really need spell this in order to have presence strong throughout the game.

Items build for Death Prophet is actually quite simple because it has the same approach, which is to make it a tanky and hard to kill.
Whatever lane that you take, you need a Null Talisman to make it easier to do last hits. As usual complete items with standard regeneration like Tango.
The shoes that are the main choice for Death Prophet are Phase Boots. Damage what is given is clearly helpful, but what is more important is the Phase Walk which allows the Death Prophet to move more freely.

Almost in all situations items The main character for Death Prophet is Eul’s Scepter of Divinity. Items it provides everything Death Prophet needs, starting from where is regen, movement speed for easier maneuverability, and most importantly Cyclone.
You can use Cyclone for many things. Offensively you can use it for initiation. Defensively you can also fly yourself to avoid spell opponent. If you are in an active Spirit Siphon and/or Exorcism, you will not be able to be touched by the opponent. While you’re still earning damage so your opponent will think twice about staying near you. One items this alone makes it quite difficult to kill, especially if it can be bought fast enough.
Since getting upgrade Aghanim, items The Death Prophet must immediately have it. The potential for damage and sustain given by the Aghanim effect makes this hero even more terrifying.
After him items above, you can consider tanky items other. BKB is always a good choice if you need it spell immunity. One more items which becomes quite important for Death Prophet is the Aeon Disk. In addition to giving HP and where, effect from items This also keeps me safe from burst damage if caught by the opponent’s initiation.

There are many other options you can take. To armor, Shiva’s Guard is definitely the first choice. If you face a lot magic damage, use Hood or Pipe. Blink Dagger or Shadow Blade can never go wrong especially if you need to get close to your opponent. To be more tanky again, you can also use Heart of Tarrasque or Octarine Core.
Also read: Differences in Armor, Magic Resistance, Damage Block, and Evasion

In one-on-one conditions, you are a strong enough hero. You have burst damage and AoE to secure last hits do at the same time harass. Then with Spirit Siphon you can give pressure and force trading profitable. The Spirit Siphon itself can also be spell useful to do gank.
You can do gank especially if you get the appropriate runes. But as long as early game You’re still not very strong. So make sure you have a teammate who can help you when you do gank.
In team fight, your job is to be in the midst of the enemy wreaking havoc. Activate Exorcism, then hit your main target with Spirit Siphon. When you are in a tight situation, use Eul’s to avoid damage. If you use a Spirit Siphon on an opponent, you’ll get heal while in the Cyclone effect.

As long as you take a good position, you should be a hero that your opponent can’t kill. Ideally, you want each team fight converted to an objective like tower.
You want you and your team to play using Exorcism. Whenever Exorcism is ready to use, make a proactive move, be it searching team fight or take tower with ultimate the. If no team fight or tower that can be searched, you can switch to the Roshan area. With Exorcism active, capturing Roshan was difficult for the opponent.

Enter late game, you should become more and more difficult to kill. You can still be on the front line, but as usual keep an eye on your position and also the position of the enemy. With items With the right approach, your opponent can still break through your defenses quickly. Always play with your teammates because you are the frontline hero who wreaks havoc in the middle team fight.
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