The Dragon Ball Super era has come to a point where not only has Goku acquired the power of a god, he has almost surpassed that point. The biggest side effect of increasing enemy strength in the Dragon Ball universe is that some of the weakest characters fall behind Goku and Vegeta.
As a result, characters that were previously considered to be very strong will be “forced” to be included in the category of the weakest character in Dragon Ball Z. Well, here are 15 of Dragon Ball’s weakest fighter characters who are slowly being eliminated.
Master Roshi
This character may be old and weak enough to be competitive in the current Dragon Ball Z universe, but Master Roshi had tremendous potential. He still has the ability to cast a buffed version of himself which increases his strength and physical abilities.
Master Roshi is also the creator of the Kamehameha technique which has become one of the most powerful attacks in the series. However, his old age had brought him into the realm of the ‘meh’. This character is no longer in his former prime period.
This character is almost always the subject of jokes but no one can deny the talent of Yamcha. Despite being one of the weakest, there were times when he could almost rival Goku, even though Goku was still a child at the time. Even so, Yamcha has powerful (and unique) attacks at his disposal such as the Wolf Fang Fist and Spirit Ball.
Although Yamcha was also a skilled baseball player, but of course that skill didn’t really affect his strength level. After the Android Saga, Yamcha has almost given up on meddling in the fight once and for all.
Zarbon is defeated by Vegeta at first but unlike Dodoria, he has a turning point that gives him victory even if only for a moment. Zarbon’s physique gave him the boost he needed to defeat Vegeta and thus make him the strongest elite warrior.
But this character’s biggest mistake is that he keeps Vegeta alive. The Saiyan Prince used his Zenkai Boost to close the distance between himself and Zarbon. The result was a one-sided victory for Vegeta who blew up Zarbon almost without a fight.
One of Goku’s past rivals who was first overshadowed by Piccolo though later often became the weakest character in Dragon Ball Z. Tien was a formidable opponent at first, but because he lost his important role in the plot of Akira Toriyama’s story.
This character’s defining moment in Dragon Ball Z is in his battle against Cell. Tien used the Kikouhou technique to give Android 18 enough time so he could escape. It’s an unforgettable moment for a character who gets less attention.
Captain Ginyu
This character deserves to be added to this list separately from his team because he is much stronger than the other members of the Ginyu Force. He also has a special technique called Body Change which just as the name suggests gives him the power to swap bodies with his enemies.
Captain Ginyu uses this technique against Goku but is unable to take advantage of his new body (since he is unable to use Kaio-Ken). When he tries to transform his body with Vegeta, Goku throws a frog at him which renders him defenseless.
Yajirobe is one of the most marginalized characters in the Dragon Ball universe, but this character is no ordinary character. Although you could say Yajirobe is one of the weakest characters in Dragon Ball Z, but he is skilled enough in the field of swordsmanship that it can almost trouble superhuman abilities.
The proof, Yajirobe managed to cut the Cymbals in half easily during the period of King Piccolo; not the first or the last time we will see his incredible sword skills. Perhaps the most heroic act Yajirobe did was to save Goku from the clutches of the Great Ape Vegeta by cutting off the Saiyan’s tail and restoring him to his normal form.
Cutting off a giant ape’s tail with a sword isn’t something a mere mortal can do, which means Yajirobe has more skill than we might expect.
It’s hard not to add Krillin to this list. A series of ‘incidents’ in Dragon Ball Z make him one of the most suitable fighting characters to enter this list. Things are a little different in Dragon Ball Super where his development has made him one of the characters that is difficult to anticipate development.
However, considering we’re talking about the DBZ version of Krillin especially in the early Android period and the Goku/Vegeta plus Cell Saga, then it deserves to be added to this list.
Piccolo’s merging with Kami briefly took him way above Android levels 18 and 17 during the Cell Saga. Piccolo was also able to fight fiercely with First Form Cell and one of the Junior Cells. However, everything changed after that period.
For a short period of time, Piccolo was the strongest Z-Fighter because his fusion made him stronger than a Super Saiyan. But the story in Dragon Ball Z moved quickly and Piccolo was quickly overtaken by the Saiyans after a few sessions inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. After that, Piccolo was almost never involved in a frontal role and now deserves to be labeled as one of the weakest characters in Dragon Ball Z.
Uub was supposed to be Majin Buu’s reincarnation, but with purer feelings. It was Goku’s last wish which was granted by King Yemma. But so far there has never been any information about how powerful Uub is. Is he on the same level as Kid Buu? Or is that strength only acquired through practice?
During the final period of Dragon Ball Z, we see Uub fighting competitively with Goku even though Goku seems to be holding back. It is estimated that at the very least, Uub can match Fat Buu’s abilities and strength even though this claim is still without information.
This character may not fit into the list of weakest characters in Dragon Ball Z because many think that Videl still hasn’t mastered how to use Ki. Gohan says that he can beat his father, Hercule, but doesn’t know it. In the DBZ series, Videl has great martial arts abilities.
He might still be unable to use energy-based attacks, and this was his biggest problem. Videl’s only weakness is that Akira Toriyama chose not to develop his character. She should be able to play a bigger role in the DBZ storyline besides being Gohan’s wife.
Android 18
Even though Krillin continues to increase in strength, Android 18 still continues to be more powerful. Even if we assume their strength is absolutely equal, Android 18 has the advantage that it has unlimited stamina. So, he might finally break the deadlock.
However, considering the comparison of characters is Krillin who incidentally is a resident of this list, so it is quite appropriate to include the wife and her husband on this list.
There is a close relationship between Dabura and Super Perfect Cell even though in the end, both of them fall to Gohan. Cell was almost nothing against the rampaging Super Saiyan 2 Gohan while Dabura fought the massive Super Saiyan 1 Gohan and ended up losing.
In this comparison, Dabura is the decidedly weaker choice. However this character is a new villain character and can be expected to get stronger in Super. Goku mentions that Dabura is actually as strong as Cell and this indication shows that this character has come a long way from developing the strengths of other characters in DBZ.
Mr. Buu
Initially, Majin Buu is not as strong as you might think. He easily defeated Dabura and somehow survived Majin Vegeta’s attack. However, Goku’s Super Saiyan 3 form proved too strong for Mr.Buu. After that, there was barely a single battle that he could win so it felt quite appropriate to categorize him as the weakest character in Dragon Ball Z.
Gotenks surprised everyone when he unlocked his Super Saiyan 3 transformation. Goten and Trunks only saw Goku do it once but they were able to recreate him. Not only that, but this character is also stronger than Super Saiyan 3 Goku!
Unfortunately, there were no other developments after that. Although he can beat Mr.Buu easily, Gotenks can barely move against Super Buu.
Mystic Gohan
Once his potential was unlocked, Gohan had become the strongest character in the Dragon Ball universe. This status may be short-lived, but there are still many comic lovers who remember it. Super Buu barely stands a chance against this character. However, due to overconfidence, Gohan finally got stuck.
Mystic Gohan was unable to finish the fight and allowed Buu to absorb Gotenks. After that, the fight goes one-sided where Gohan is left demoralized by the increasingly powerful Buu. This was the second time in his life that Gohan was unable to defeat his opponent.
Majin Buu
Majin Buu has many forms, but at his best, this character is actually very powerful. And this happened after he absorbed Mystic Gohan. His power has become much higher than anything in Dragon Ball Z before this time.
This moment is quite a tense moment for DBZ lovers because even Goku and Vegeta can’t do anything. However, as usual, Buu is rendered irrelevant in his character development. Goku and Vegeta merge into Vegito and hit Majin Buu all-out.
Some of the figures above are actually characters who had their peak time in the storyline of Dragon Ball Z. However, the rapid development of characters and stories made some of these characters finally fall into the category of the weakest characters in Dragon Ball Z.
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