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The Best Build Miya Mobile Legends: The Beauty of the Tower Destroyer

Best Build Miya Mobile Legends – Miya is known as Marksman Mobile Legends who has high damage and rarely attacks far enough, she is also one of the easy-to-use heroes.

Even though it is equipped with great damage, you still have to use the right gear. By using the right gear, Miya will have even greater damage.

Curious about what gear is good for Miya to use in Mobile Legends? Read the full review below. By applying this Guide Miya Mobile Legends, you can get Savage easily.

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Miya Mobile Legends Active and Passive Skills

Before discussing what items are good for Miya to use, it’s a good idea to know what skills this arrow-armed Marksman hero has. The following are skills

Passive Skill: Turbo

With this passive skill, Miya’s Attack Speed ​​will increase by 5% for 4 seconds. Not only that, this skill can also be stacked up to 8 times.

Skill 1: Fission Shot

  • Cooldown: 11.0
  • Mana cost: 80

Miya’s first skill. Miya will shoot two arrows and can attack 2 targets at once. This skill will also increase Miya’s basic damage by 30% for 4 seconds.

Skill 2: Rain of Arrows

  • Cooldown: 11.0
  • Mana cost: 80

Miya will shoot arrows up, then in one area will be showered with arrows repeatedly. If the enemy is hit by the arrow 4 times, the hero will be stunned for 1 second.

This skill is very effective when used during war. Can hit many heroes at once.

Skill 3: Turbo Stealth

  • Cooldown: 38.0
  • Mana cost: 120

Miya’s ultimate skill is very unique, because it is not an attack skill. This skill is able to eliminate all negative effects and make Miya disappear for 1 second.

In addition, Miya’s attack speed will also increase by 35% for 6 seconds. The movement speed of you and your closest friends will also increase by 45% for 2.5 seconds.

Build Items Miya Mobile Legends

Miya is basically a very easy-to-play hero. So it won’t take you long to master it in battle. By using the right items, Savage is no longer a dream.

Let alone Savage, being an MVP also feels easy if you use Miya in Mobile Legends. And here is a row of items that must be used by Miya:

1. Haas’s Claws

Haas's Claws

Almost the same as other Assassin heroes, Haas’s Claws is the first item that must be purchased. This item will provide an additional 70 physical attacks.

This item will help Miya in maximizing her first skill, namely Fission Shot. The damage will be bigger.

Not only additional damage, Haas’s Claw also provides an additional 20% lifesteal. If Miya’s HP is below 40%, the effect will increase by 10%.

This item really helps Miya if one day she has to fight 1 vs 1 with the opposing team’s Marksman.

2. Rapid Boots

rapid boots

As a Marksman, Miya needs a movement speed that is high enough to help her wara-wiri on the battlefield. Good for chasing opponents or running away when HP is dying.

And Rapid Boots are the best shoe items that are perfect for Miya. That’s because this shoe item is the one with the biggest movement speed effect compared to other items. You will get movement speed points of 50.

3. Windtalker

windtalkerWindtalker provides many additional effects that are very useful for Miya. With this item, Miya will be more agile and difficult to catch the opponent.

Windtalker will provide additional attack speed, movement speed, and critical chance. Not only that, this item also allows Miya to attack more opposing heroes. Very useful during war.

4. Berserker’s Fury

Berserker's Fury

The fourth item in the Miya Mobile Legends Guide is Berserker’s Fury. This item will increase attack damage for Miya.

Berserker’s Fury will complement the previous item that focuses on attack speed. So, in addition to the high attack speed, the damage is also high.

This fourth item will also make Miya able to issue critical continuously thanks to the unique effect of Doom. Cool isn’t it?

No one will dare 1 on 1 with you.

5. Scarlet Phantom

Scarlet Phantom

In order for Miya’s critical attacks to come out more often, use the Scarlet Phantom gear. This item will complement Miya’s ability to become even more deadly.

Miya’s attack speed will also increase due to an additional 40% attack speed if she manages to do a critical attack.

6. Blade of Despair

blade of despair

The final and complementary item in the Miya Mobile Legends Guide is Blade of Despair.

This item will further increase Miya’s attack damage.

Blade of Despair is also very compatible with Miya’s Rain of Arrows skill. When hit by a stun, the opponent will receive a bigger attack.

7. Battle Spell: Inspire or Weaken

There are two choices of battle spells that are very suitable for Miya, namely Inspire and Weaken.

Use Inspire if you want Miya’s attacks to be even faster, plus being able to ignore the armor of the opposing hero.

While Weaken will make the movement of the opponent’s hero slow, so you can use Rain of Arrows more optimally.

Summary of Guide Miya Mobile Legends

Items Miya uses:

1. Haas’s Claws – Increases physical attack and lifesteal.

2. Rapid Boots – Increases Miya’s movement speed.

3. Windtalker – Increase attack speed, movement speed and critical probability.

4. Berserker’s Fury – Increases attack damage.

5. Scarlet Phantom – So that Miya will issue critical attacks more often.

6. Blade of Despair – Gives additional attack damage which is very large.

7. Battle Spell: Inspire or Weaken

Additional Tips for Using Miya in Battle

Avoid fighting 1 on 1 with the opposing Fighter. Because Fighter has a fairly thick HP and greater burst damage than Miya. This of course will make it difficult for you.

Before using the Rain of Arrows skill, it’s a good idea to use the battle spell Weaken to slow down the opponent’s hero movement. That way the skills you use are more deadly.

Hopefully with this Miya Mobile Legends Guide, you can continue to win when playing. Even down to the Mythic.

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