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5 Tips for Using Zilong Mobile Legends to Keep Winning

Zilong is one of the most popular heroes in Mobile Legends.

Not only because of the early hero of the game, but Zilong does have very good attacks and skills in battle.

Therefore, using Zilong will give you a greater chance of winning.

But, wait…

Of course not carelessly in using Zilong.

Even though it has great damage, you still have to take Zilong seriously in matches.

If you want to keep winning when playing using Zilong, then you must follow the 5 tips below.

5 Tips for Using Zilong Mobile Legends to Keep Winning

1. Increase farming at the beginning of the game

Tips and Tricks Using Zilong Mobile Legends to Keep Winning

Basically, farming is something that all heroes must do. Especially for marksman, fighter and assassin heroes.

By farming early in the game, you can level up quickly so you can compete with your opponents.

You will also of course be able to collect gold quickly to buy items that Zilong really needs.

In essence, at the beginning of the game when using Zilong you are obliged to do farming.

You can farm in the lane or in the forest. But to maintain safety, do it in the forest.

Because if you are farming on the lane you will be disturbed by the enemy.

Also read: Guide Zilong – The Dragon Child With a Deadly Attack

2. Pay attention to the exact position and time when war

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Don’t be careless when you want to jump into war.

Because the wrong position and time will be very detrimental to you, especially when using Zilong.

You have to be good at reading the situation when you want to war.

Pay attention to the position of opponents and friends. If it is profitable, immediately attack the opponent.

But if it feels detrimental, it’s a good idea to hold back the attack. Don’t be in a hurry.

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3. Use the right build items

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Basically Zilong is equipped with a big attack scheme.

Well, so that Zilong is even more savage, you have to use the right build items.

Androbuntu once made the Zilong Mobile Legends Guide, you can read the guide to completion.

By applying these guidelines, Zilong will become stronger and invincible.

You can often score savage and become MVP by using this guide.

Also read: Here are 5 Heroes With the Most Deadly Skill Combinations in Mobile Legends

4. Use skills in the right order

Tips and Tricks Using Zilong Mobile Legends to Keep Winning

Zilong is equipped with 3 active skills that are very good in battle.

However, the wrong order in using it will make the skill feel less than optimal.

The best order to use Zilong skills is 3-2-1.

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5. Learn Zilong heroes in VS AI mode for practice

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If you have never used Zilong heroes before, you can learn Zilong heroes by playing in VS AI mode

By playing in VS AI mode, you can learn Zilong heroes better.

Even if you lose the game, you have nothing to lose.

After you feel that you can use Zilong well, then play in Ranked mode.

Those are 5 tips for using Zilong in Mobile Legends. By following the tips above, your chances of winning and becoming an MVP will be even greater.

Good luck.

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