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5 Tips for Using Fanny in Mobile Legends

Fanny is a Mobile Legends hero with a very high level of difficulty.

If you are a beginner, it is not recommended to use Fanny.

Well, for those of you who want to try using Fanny, you can read 5 tips on how to use Fanny below:

5 Tips for Using Fanny in Mobile Legends

The Strongest Assassin Hero in Mobile Legends

1. Use the Right Items for Fanny

Just like other heroes, Fanny will also be maximized if she uses the right items.

The following are some of the items that must be purchased when you use Fanny:

  • Tooth of Greed
  • Blade of Despair
  • Wind Chaser
  • Blade Armor
  • Bloodthirsty King
  • Immortality

Don’t let you buy the wrong item.

2. Expand Jungling Early in the Game

Fanny is a pretty weak hero at the beginning of the game. Therefore, multiply jungling at the beginning of the game.

Fanny has the ability to fly, when it hits the enemy, it will automatically issue the Tornado Strike skill.

You can use this ability to defeat creeps in the forest quickly.

Multiply against creeps at the beginning of the game, then collect gold and exp to increase attacks.

That way you can balance the opponent’s hero game in the mid game.

3. Use Battle Spell Retribution

Retribution is perfect for Fanny.

The reason?

So that farming becomes faster. That way Fanny can level up faster.

Gold can also be collected quickly to buy the items needed.

4. Master the Steel Cable Skill well

Fanny’s main strength lies in her Steel Cable skill.

With this skill, Fanny can use it either to attack the opponent or move quickly.

To attack your opponent, you can use a 2-3-1-2 skill combination.

First use skill 2 to attack, then use the ultimate skill, then skill 1, and use skill 2 again to escape.

You can also use Steel Cable more than once to move places faster and farther.

If you are a pro, you can use Steel Cable up to 6 times.

So, your reach can be further. Move places so much faster.

5. No Need to Buy Shoes

Fanny doesn’t need shoe items. Because with his flagship skill Steel Cable, he can move places quickly. Faster than anyone.

So, why buy shoes?

Better to use your gold for more important items (see point 1).

Those are 5 tips for using Fanny in Mobile Legends. With the 5 tips above, the Fanny you use can be more fierce and maximal in battle.

For other Mobile Legends hero tips and tricks, you can read other Androbuntu articles.

Good luck.

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