SAVAGE! Newest and sickest Popol and Kupa Top Global ML Items
Are you looking for the most painful and deadly Popol and Kupa gear item? Don’t worry, this time we will provide some information regarding Popol and Kupa Mobile Legends (ML).
Some time ago, Moonton as the developer of Mobile Legends again presented a new marksman hero. Even though it has just been released, Popol and Kupa is very popular and is the main choice for marksman users.
Yes, it’s only natural that this hero always attracts the attention of ML gamers. Because, he has extraordinary and painful skills. Therefore, Popol and Kupa are often banned in the upper tier because this imba hero is quite risky if released just like that.
Well, in this article will provide information about Popol and Kupa ML, starting from the advantages and disadvantages, skill sets, emblems and spells, to the deadly Popol and Kupa build items. For those of you who are curious, please read this article to the end.
Strengths and Weaknesses of Popol Mobile Legends
- Huge burst damage
- Have good crowd control skills
- Good for doing push turret
- In the early game cukuo dominates
- Very dependent on Kupa
- Does not have an escape mechanism skill (escape)
- Has no damage area
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Popol and Kupa Skill Set
Passive – We Are Friends
Popol always fights side by side together with his best Partner, Kupa.
Popo looks after Kupa. If Kupa doesn’t take damage for 5 seconds, recovers 10% of his Max HP every second.
When Kupa is defeated, Popol can pray for 3 seconds to summon him back into the Battlefield with a cooldown of 45 seconds. After 4 consecutive attacks by Kupa to the enemy, Popol’s next Basic Attack will deal (+200% Total Physical ATK) Physical Damage, Kupa receives 120% of Popol’s Max HP and 100% of his other attributes, as well as his Equiment effects (except Items). Active equipment, Jungle, and Roam).
Skill 1 – Bite ’em, Kupa!
Popol throws a spear at the target to deal 40(+100% Total Physical ATK) points of Physical Damage and orders Kupa to bite them, dealing 240(+60 Total Physical ATK) points of Physical Damage and continuing fiercely, stunning the target for 1 second with 3 quick bites.
- Cooldown: 6.5 seconds
- Mana Cost: 50/60/70/80
- Signal Arrow Damage: 40/70/100/130
- Basic Damage: 240/270/300/330
Popol throws a spear at the target to deal 40(+100% Total Physical ATK) points of Physical Damage and orders Kupa to bite them, dealing 240(+60% Total Physical ATK) points of Physical Damage and continuing with attacks for 3 seconds.
Alpha Wolf Mode: Kupa attacks fiercely, stunning the target for 1 second with 3 quick bites.
- Cooldown: 6.5 seconds
- Mana Cost: 50/60/70/80
- Signal Arrow Damage: 40/70/100/130
- Basic Damage: 240/270/300/330
Skill 2 – Kupa, Help!
Popol summons Kupa to protect him, gains a Shield equal to 240(+120% Extra Physical ATK) HP, deals 240(+50% Total Physical ATK) points of Physical Damage to nearby enemies and slows them by 60% for 0.5 second. Kupa will help Popol attack nearby enemies for 3 seconds.
Alpha Wolf Mode: Kupa returns to protect his master and causes Airbone effect to nearby enemies for 0.6 seconds, dealing 150% increased Damage.
- Cooldown: 6.5 seconds
- Mana Cost: 80/90/100/110
- Basic Shield: 240/270/300/330
- Basic Damage: 240/270/300/330
Popol summons Kupa to protect him, gains a Shield equal to 240(+120% EXTRA Physical ATK) HP, deals 240(+50% Total Physical ATK) points of Physical Damage to nearby enemies and slows them by 60% for 0.5 second. Kupa will help Popol attack nearby enemies for 3 seconds.
Alpha Wolf Mode: Kupa returns to protect his master and causes Airbone effect to nearby enemies for 0.6 seconds, dealing 150% increased Damage.
- Cooldown: 6.5 seconds
- Mana Cost: 80/90/100/110
- Basic Shiled: 240/270/300/330
- Basic Damage: 240/270/300/330
Skill 3 – Popol Surprise
Popol sets a trap at the target location, which explodes after a short pause when an opponent is nearby, Immobilizing them for 1 second and creating a Frost Zone for 4 seconds, reducing their Movement Speed by 35%.
Popol can store up to 3 traps at once and get 1 Charge every 18 seconds. A maximum of 3 traps can be set, each lasting 60 seconds.
- Mana Cost: 60/50/40/30
- Time for 1 Charge: 18/16/14/12
Skill 4 – We Are Angry!
Popol and Kupa filled with anger for 12 seconds
Popol and Kupa gain 30% Attack Speed and 15% Movement Speed.
Kupa enters Alpha Wolf Mode, recovers all of his HP, increases his Max HP by 2000 and Physical Attack by 50, and strengthens other skills.
- Cooldown: 38/35/32 seconds
- Mana Cost: 100/120/140
- ATK Speed Boost: 30%/40%/50%
- HP Boost: 2000/3000/4000
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The Sickest Popol and Kupa Item Build in Mobile Legends (Update Season 20 in 2021)
1. Demon Hunter Sword
- +35 Physical Attack
- +25% Attack Speed
Unique Passive-Devour:
Basic Attack will deal 9% of the target’s remaining HP as additional Physical Damage (up to 60 against Creeps and Minions). Each Basic Attack deals 3% Physical Lifesteal for 3 seconds. Stackable up to 5 times.
2. Swift Boots
- +15% Attack Speed
- +40 Movement Speed
3. Endless Battle
- +65 Physical Attack
- +5 Mana Regen
- +250 HP
- +10% Cooldown Reduction
- +5% Movement Speed
- +10% Physical Lifesteal
Unique Passive-Divine Justice:
Within 3 seconds of using the skill, the next basic attack will deal additional True Damage of 60% of Physical Attack with a cooldown of 1.5 seconds.
Unique Passive-Chase Fate:
When the effect of Divine Justice is active, the Hero’s Movement Speed will increase by 10%.
4. Berserker’s Fury

- +60 Physical Attack
- +25% Crit. Chance
This item is capable of dealing +40% Critical Damage.
Unique Passive-Doom: Critical Hit will increase the Hero’s Physical Attack by 5% for 2 seconds.
5. Windtalker
- +40% Attack Speed
- +20 Movement Speed
- +10% Crit. Chance
Unique Passive-Typhoon:
Every 5-3 seconds, Basic Attack hits 3 enemy units and deals 150-362 Magic Damage. The cooldown of this effect is reduced to a minimum when Critical Chance is increased to 50%, while Damage is increased to maximum when Attack Speed is increased to 3. This attack can deal Critical Damage. Deals 200% additional damage to Minions.
Unique Passive-Activate:
Every time a Typhoon is issued, Movement Speed will increase by 5% in a short time.
6. Blade of Despair
- +160 Physical Attack
- +5% Movement Speed
Unique Passive-Despair:
Attacking enemy units that have HP below 50% will increase the Hero’s Physical Attack by 25%. Lasts for 2 seconds. (Effect activated before damage is dealt)
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Battle Spell Popol and Kupa
Marksman is a hero who is vulnerable to ganking. That’s why we highly recommend Flicker as a Popol and Kupa spell.
Popol and Kupa are also very suitable for using Execute because they can inflict additional damage on the opponent’s hero.
Move a certain distance in a specified direction. Then get 5(+1*Hero Level) Physical & Magic Defense for 1 second.
Deals 200(+20*Hero Level) plus 10% of enemy’s lost HP True Damage to targeted enemies. This damage ignores Shield. If the target is eliminated by this skill, its cooldown will be reduced by 40%.
Popol and Kupa Emblem Set
Custom Assassin
At level 60, the Custom Assassin Emblem Set will provide the following bonuses:
- Physical Penetration: +13.50
- Physical Attack: +15.00
- Crit Chance: + 3.50%
- Cooldown Reduction: +5.00%
- Movement Speed: +2.00%
Custom Marksman
At level 60, the Custom Marksman Emblem Set will provide the following bonuses:
- Physical Attack + 17.00
- Attack Speed + 7.50%
- Physical PEN + 6.00
- Lifesteal + 5.00%
- Crit Chance +5.00%
As a marksman hero, you will be the team’s carry hero. Therefore, don’t miss the gold from the enemy’s carry. Try Popol and Kupa level higher than the enemy.
Therefore do a quick clearwave and then go to the jungle to kill monsters and always ask for help from the tank considering that marksman is an easy target for assassin users. In addition, also has a collection of Popol and Kupa Mobile Legends wallpapers Full HD.
Hopefully this article can help those of you who are looking for the strongest and sickest Popol and Kupa build items. There are still many of the best Mobile Legends build items following the latest meta that we haven’t discussed. So, just wait for the next build update.
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