Project Monarch, How Microsoft Changed Outlook to Be More Universal
NESABAMEDIA.COM – Microsoft is developing an Outlook application that can be run through a web browser. This new project is called Project Monarch. This is part of the One Outlook development vision that the company announced last year.
In more detail, Microsoft is working on a more universal Outlook client application for Windows and Mac devices, which will also replace the default Mail and Calendar applications in Windows 10. Development of this new Outlook client, named Project Monarch, is based on the Outlook web application. already available in current browsers.
Project Monarch itself is the final goal of Microsoft’s One Outlook vision, which aims to build a single Outlook client that can run on PC, Mac and the Web. Currently, Microsoft has several different Outlook clients for the desktop, including Outlook Web, Outlook Win32 for Windows, Outlook for Mac and Mail & Calendar on Windows 10.
Microsoft wants to replace some of those Outlook clients with an application built on web technologies. This project will make Outlook a single product, but with the user experience and code base that exists on Windows or Mac. This Outlook client will also have a smaller footprint, and can be accessed by all users, whether free Outlook users or business users.
Reportedly, this universal Outlook client app will have native operating system integration features, with some other support like offline storage, target sharing, notifications and more.
In other words, later users will be able to get the same view from an Outlook client even if they access it from a different platform or operating system.
It is understandable that this is one of Microsoft’s goals to be able to create new clients that feel as genuine as possible for several operating systems, but while remaining universal to various platforms with web-based applications.
On the other hand, the changes made by Microsoft will be very controversial for users, especially those who use the Mac operating system. Because they feel they have lost the exclusivity of Mac devices with all their default applications.

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