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Know 5 PUBG Mobile Weapon Accessories

In each bettle royal game, it is possible for players to have additional accessories to increase their strength. PUBG Mobile is no exception, a game that has been very popular over the last few years. This game is really fun and challenging, no wonder many people are competing to spend money to buy PUBG Mobile weapon accessories.

PUBG Mobile Weapon Accessory Variants

1. Angled Foregrip

Angled Foregrip PUBG Mobile
Angled Foregrip PUBG Mobile

If you’re a melee attacker, the Angeled Foregrip is the perfect accessory to strengthen yourself. Thanks to it, players are allowed to reduce 20 percent of recoil pattern and horizontal recoil, both of which can be optimally empowered when they want to target enemies that move sideways. Weapons become relatively more stable if you activate auto or burst mode.

The enemy’s movement pattern was actually guessed. In a close combat, usually tend to move sideways to dodge. Therefore, Angeled Foregrip will help you aim more precisely at the target.

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2. Vertical Foregrip

PUBG Mobile Vertical Foregrip
PUBG Mobile Vertical Foregrip

Furthermore, if you want to find additional accessories for range loadout and self-defense, then choose Vertical Foregrip, where players will become more intense in shooting and tap action. Here, you will reduce 20 percent of the recoil pattern and 15 percent of the vertical recoil so that the movement will feel much more comfortable and relatively easy.

Reportedly, this variant of the PUBG Mobile weapon accessory has the potential to reduce ADS speed, but in practice this does not happen. In other words, you can optimize it without having any doubts. Defeat enemies faster thanks to the presence of systemic assistance.

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3. Light Grip

PUBG Mobile Light Grip
PUBG Mobile Light Grip

You need recoil recovery that allows aiming and crosshair to move faster when returning to all points in the shooting process? Light Grip makes all that happen. However, there is a side effect that awaits, namely, the horizontal and vertical recoil will increase where this situation blocks your movement when you want to fire a spray.

No wonder, even though its function is interesting and tempting to try, this accessory is rarely used by any player. It’s just that, if you want to try it, it’s a good idea to do it without hesitation.

4. Half Grip

Half Grip PUBG Mobile
Half Grip PUBG Mobile

Vertical and horizontal recoil will decrease slightly if you use Half Grip. However, the problem will not be too much of a hassle because the benefits presented are much more attractive, where your shot becomes relatively stable so that it will reduce the potential for darting.

On the other hand, the payment you have to receive is not absolute, but the use of Half Grip can actually make ADS or aim experience a decrease in balance. It’s just that, if you are a typical player who likes spray shots via auto or brust mode, it’s okay to try to strengthen yourself with this PUBG Mobile weapon accessory.

5. Compensator

PUBG Mobile Compensator
PUBG Mobile Compensator

You need muzzle mods for a mid-range and close combat? Choose a compensator that can help reduce recoil, both horizontally and vertically. Not only that, it is also possible for your recoil pattern to experience a drastic decrease from two sides so that the level of shooting stability is much better.

These accessories will complete your battle so that the potential for victory becomes greater. But of course, it needs to be coupled with basic skills and other weapons to maximize performance.

In fact, there are lots of PUBG Mobile weapon accessories that you can empower to win the battle. Each variant of the article has a different function, in addition to the advanced effects that can be presented thanks to its use. Therefore, be smart in combining skills and accessories.

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