How to Display Powerpoint in Easyworship (Complete+Pictures)
Have you heard of Easyworship app? Or have you ever used the Easyworship application? The Easyworship application is an application designed and specifically for use in the church. Because you can use this application to make or display presentations at places of worship so that they can be seen more clearly. We can display videos, texts or songs using easyworship through a projector.
At first glance, this easyworship application is almost similar to the Powrpoint application. However, this application has benefits as well as capabilities beyond the Powerpoint application.
And as for the mainstay feature of this application, that is, we can make the results of the video from the camcorder into the background. Then can we have a powerpoint slide and want to display it using the easyworship application? The answer is of course yes, we can still display powerpoint results using the easyworship application.
How to Display Powerpoint in Easyworship
If you have already created a presentation file using PowerPoint, you can still display it using the EasyWorship application. Because this application already supports PowerPoint slides in it. With its flexible use, this application is greatly enjoyed by users.
What’s more, this application can display a Running Text message. Running text or running message is a running text and we often see on television. That way we can provide the text of the song or text that will be read by the audience.
To be able to display powerpoint on easyworship, we must first install the easyworship application and prepare a presentation file with a powerpoint extension. And here’s a tutorial on how to display powerpoint on easywordship.
1. When you have finished installing the Easyworship application, then double-click on the application to open it. In this tutorial I use the Easyworship 7 application.
2. Then the start page of the easyworship application will appear. In the Schedule section, click the Settings icon like in the picture below.
3. In the schedule setting menu there will be lots of menus in it. Click menu Add Item and in the Add Item menu, select the option Browse For Powerpoint Files…
4. Next, a file explorer will appear on your computer, enter the folder containing your powerpoint file that you want to display using the EasyWorship application. If you have selected the powerpoint file, click the button Open.
5. Then your powerpoint slides will appear in the preview section as shown below. If you want to display it using a projector, then you can click the Live menu located at the top of the menu. After that in the menu Live, click button Go Live.
6. So now you can make presentations using the easyworship application with slides created using the powerpoint application. When doing a Live presentation using this application, your computer screen will be covered with your presentation slides. The display is the same as the display on the slide show menu in Microsoft PowerPoint.
That’s the article that explains how to display powerpoint on easyworship. This application is highly recommended for those of you who are very active in presenting in front of a very large audience. Because you can use these interesting additional features to make your presentation better. So that the audience is not sleepy when watching your presentation performance.
You can add music or songs in the middle of a presentation using the easyworship app. Of course, you can use that in the middle of a presentation to make the audience’s mind a little more relaxed. Hopefully this article can be useful for you.

Just someone who loves to write and is interested in Technology. And people who always believe in the words ‘Effort will not betray Results’.
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