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Guide to Playing Dota 2: Concepts and How to Stack

Stacking in Dota 2 is a trick to stack more than one group neutral creep or creeps forest in one place or camp at a time. The goal is to then be killed so that you get a larger amount of Gold than killing just one group, efficiently giving your team more Gold.

So, what are the basic concepts and how to do it? stacking correctly? In this article you will learn various things about stacking, starting from the basic principles and concepts to how to do stacking that you may have seen many times.


Stacking can be done thanks to the interaction between neutral creep in the forest with a box called spawn box. Every camp neutral creep have spawn box this, and this is the main thing you should pay attention to when doing stacking.

One thing you should know is that every minute, spawn box this will check if the area inside is occupied by a unit (whatever it is). If at the turn of the minute it turns out spawn box it’s empty, one group neutral creep new will appear.

This interaction is what you take advantage of when doing stacking. All you have to do is clear spawn box inhabited neutral creep right at the turn, without killing neutral creep which is in it.


It’s easy: pull neutral creep this is out of spawn box at the right moment, so that at the turn of the minute, spawn box will see that the area is empty, and decide to spawn neutral new creeps. Then neutral creep what you pulled earlier will return to camp them, meeting a new resident who had just appeared. Done, you just did stacking.

You just pull it a few seconds before the turn of the minute. Generally, you should be able to do this around every 52nd second or 53rd every minute. If it’s too soon, neutral creep what you pull will come right back and go inside spawn box before the turn of the minute. On the other hand, if it’s too late, you don’t have enough time to pull them out spawn box before the turn of the minute.

How to pull it? Just catch one neutral creep to attack you, either by attacking him once first or walking until he wants to attack you. Then run away from their camp, as far as possible until you get out of spawn box the camp.

Each camp have size and position spawn box different, so that each camp has its own ideal direction to be drawn. The following is timing and interesting directions neutral creep For each camp.

Keep in mind the image below is a guide to doing stack your first. If you’ve done it before stack, you might need to pull it out a little earlier because creeps what you pull will jostle to get out.

Radiant Forest


Dire Forest


Ancient/Secret Shop Radiant

Ancient/Secret Shop Dire

  • Make sure you do stacking in camp difficult for opponents to access. Otherwise, the opponent could easily snatch it. As an alternative, you can also install an Observer Ward on the camp that you stack.
  • Also make sure your team has a hero who really needs it stack and/or can finish off stack quickly like Sven, Luna, or Batrider. Otherwise, you probably don’t need to.
  • As jungler or the hero who did farm In the jungle since level one, also pay attention to the game time. If you can’t finish neutral creep the one you were beating before the turn of the minute, pull neutral creep to do stacking, so that camp it is not empty for two minutes.
  • Some heroes can do two stacking at the same time a blessing skills he has, for example Shadow Demon with Shadow Poison, Vengeful Spirit with Wave of Terror, or Alchemist with Acid Spray.
  • Spawn box will not pop up neutral creep when at the turn of the minute your team unit or the opposing team is inside spawn box. So, be careful with your position, lest you even accidentally block spawn box this. In addition, be careful with the actions of the enemy who want to block spawn box the.

Also read: Concepts and how to pull in Dota 2

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