So, what is the difference between Free Fire’s Friendly Fire (FF) and PUBGM’s Friendly Fire? Maybe there are still many of you who don’t know what the function of this feature is and its advantages. For those of you who want to know more about this feature, especially for those of you who are still newbies, the following review will really help you.
As explained earlier, Garena Free Fire released a feature called Friendly Fire. As is known, the Friendly Fire feature allows players to kill their own comrades. But if you accidentally hit a teammate, you can revive like the game in general.
However, kills made to teammates will not be included or counted on the kill list. This is intended to reduce out-of-bounds actions that players often do to teammates.
Only Present in Custom Rooms Through the May 2021 Advance Server edition yesterday, this feature will only be present in the costume room. However, keep in mind that the features in this costume room will follow the original mode, so Friendly Fire can be considered quite dangerous. If you are not careful, you can be penalized.
Sanctions for Abuse of Friendly Fire Continuing the explanation above regarding sanctions, it turns out that Free Fire issues many penalties for players who do Friendly Fire too often, including:
Temporarily Banned The first thing that definitely happens when you abuse this feature is getting banned temporarily. The system will usually detect players who are playing incorrectly and do things to the detriment of other players. This ban can last several days or months depending on how often you do Friendly Fire.
Point Rank Will Be Interrupted Next is the point rank will be disturbed. This feature will not make players auto aim at friends, but the damage given is very large. If the player does not hockey 2 Star Clash Squad Rank, it will definitely disappear.
Got Penalty Another sanction that will be obtained is getting a penalty. This will make players who do Friendly Fire can experience additional damage.
Can Die Suddenly Then, the player can die suddenly. Generally, this can happen when you kill 2 friends using a bomb.
No Playing in Next Round Finally, those of you who are not careful in using this feature will be banned from playing in the next round. This can happen when players do Friendly Fire repeatedly and have received previous sanctions.
Released on the Free Fire Clash Squad Rank? Until now, there has been no official statement from Garena whether the Friendly Fire feature will be released in the free fire clash squad rank or not. Because, although this feature is much awaited, for some others this feature is not important, or even does not need to be released.
The reason is, in addition to being detrimental, features like this are also prone to being misused by players. Especially if you meet toxic players who just want to kill a teammate, as happened in PUBG. Just imagine, when a player is knocking, but is shot at by a teammate because it is considered to be playing incorrectly from the start.
I don’t know what makes Garena Free Fire (FF) actually intend to bring this feature. Whereas previously several developers had already turned off this feature in their games because many players abused it.
That’s some detailed information about the Friendly Fire feature in Free Fire. This feature may be much awaited or even avoided by some parties. The question is whether the existence of this feature can support Free Fire to become a better game. How about you, are you interested in trying the latest features of this famous game? Please answer!
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