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Game Review: Life is Strange

What if suddenly you have a super power that is able to manipulate time such as being able to repeat events that have happened to you or can see events in the future? Surely you can feel it by playing this game, this game from publisher Square Enix is ​​about a girl who goes to photography school, and during her class she experiences a dream that allows her to manipulate time.


The daughter is named Max Caufield, Max is away from his family and is studying photography. After experiencing the dream Max uses his powers to save his friend from a shooting. What’s interesting about this game is that the plots can be different and have different endings also all depending on your decision, although of course you can repeat it again with your strength.

This game is presented in a very simple and very sweet way, the soundtrack in this game also makes us more integrated into the game. The developer Dontnod Entertainment deserves a thumbs up because the selection of music on the soundtrack is very appropriate. Even now, we are still ringing with the music from Syd Matter – Obstacles.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=true&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]


Your task here is very simple, namely moving the mouse on the points you highlight to make choices in the game. What you need to pay attention to is that all the choices in this game will determine your next steps, for example when you choose not to report a case to your school principal, you will instead get a warning letter from him for behaving suspiciously.


In addition to selecting points you can also rewind time to where an event occurred, you can’t do this for too long and this ability is limited to every important event. For example, when an important event on campus happens you cannot repeat it when you are already in your dormitory.

This time loop will also allow you to teleport as you can keep moving to a point but with the time reversed.

This game feels more like a detective game but with the addition of super abilities, the story given in this game in our opinion is very lively and makes sense according to life on campus where you will face bullying, as well as the stupid actions of the students.


The world that is presented in Life is Strange is very natural, you can watch all of this faithfully when for example when you want to enter the dorm, you will find men playing baseball in front of it and a gang of girls huddling in front of the entrance of the hostel. .

We don’t know what Square Enix meant by breaking this game down into 5 episodes, but for an episode the game is very quick and easy to complete. Honestly we are very satisfied with this game, but with a very short episode it makes us a little annoyed because the next episode will be out in the next 2 months, a long enough time so that the “geek” in this game could have disappeared.


Although this game still uses Unreal Engine 3, the world presented is quite interesting and very colorful. The shooting of each cut-scene is done very beautifully, this game is made very much like a Hollywood drama film full of professional cinematography techniques. You will often see the effect of blur (DoF) in this game which we think is very beautiful.


Don’t expect TressFX in this game, even though this game is from Square Enix. The character details in this game can be said to have been very well presented, but actually we expect more from this game, at least maybe as can be presented in The Vanishing of Ethan Carter. If only the graphics it presented were better then this game has one more advantage.

The environmental setting in this game has been very well designed according to college life and teenagers, you will find your room a little messy, the campus toilets are dirty and a little scary and honestly we thought that this game was a horror game when we first entered. campus toilets.


Because this game uses Unreal Engine 3, of course you can imagine that this game doesn’t really need high-level hardware. Yes, this game does not require a high PC specification and is quite smooth when we run it using the GTX 660M on our notebook.


Life is Strange has been presented very precisely, both from an interesting and simple storyline, unique and easy-to-understand gameplay, sweet graphics quality with stunning cinematography techniques and the last is the soundtrack which makes us immediately look for the song on Youtube to be played again and again. -repeat. The weakness of this game is only the quality of the graphics in the detail aspect which in our opinion can still be improved and the completion of the first episode of this game quickly.


For a game that costs around fifty thousand rupiah per episode on Steam, this game is very worthy of being your collection, especially when Steam holds a discount someday. We enjoy this game like watching a series of films whose ending can be determined by itself so the 50-thousand price tag is very appropriate for an episode.

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