This adventure game is priced at a fairly cheap price, which is only $3.99 which is a digital purchase. There are no Nintendo Shop bonus points for purchasing these games. Purchases and downloads can be made through the following Four Horses store page.
About Kid Tripp
It is told that Kid Tripp has fallen on a mysterious island and now the wildlife on the island is moving out to ruin his day. As a player in this game, you are required to run and also jump through 20 levels of intense madness in this powerful Nintendo Switch platformer! To win this game you must have what it takes to help Kid Tripp escape.
Kid Tripp Features
Gameplay is made super challenging, with fast paced platforming action.
Optional challenges in the game can be taken or not which serves to test the abilities of the players to the maximum point.
There are twenty levels with four awesome worlds.
Games are made soft and smooth with 60 frames per second.
The super cute pixel art of Mike Burns is available here.
Don’t forget Chris Kukla adds to the splendor of this game with an oldschool soundtrack, so it looks like a retro.
The name Kid Tripp certainly sounds very familiar, which is because these games have been released on the 3DS and iOS platforms before this adventure game finally switches to the latest Nintendo console, namely the Switch.
Kid Tripp consists of 20 challenging levels which are spread across 4 uniquely designed worlds with each world consisting of 5 levels. This game must be admittedly very simple but for the price offered, it is definitely worth it. The gameplay is short but the quality of the levels designed and how difficult each level is makes this game very challenging! You could be thrown straight into the deep end and suddenly die instantly.
There are new elements in each level that are great for rocking gameplay. Therefore, this game is reminiscent of Super Mario Bros. which in the first level teaches the basics which serves as a tutorial that can make you understand the mechanics.
The retro aesthetic displayed in this game makes it look and feel like one of the classic games from the SNES. However, make no mistake, unlike the classic SNES games, you don’t actually control the character because the character is made on an auto runner. The reason is classic, because of the limitations of the original version on the mobile platform. With auto runner, severely restricts character movement completely. The result is that this game is very challenging because you don’t have full control, you have to use your abilities to slow down and speed up the character.
Despite the automatic nature of the game, you still have complete control over your jumps and shots. Jump using A, Y and L and shoot is B, X and R. The ability to use multiple buttons in this game is great for tackling difficult areas.
The soundtrack in this game is very interesting because it is very integrated with the graphics. In this game, you can choose the ability for how fast or slow you go, which is great because the right speed can be selected. So, that was a review of the Kid Tripp game, interested in trying it?
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