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Dota 2 Hero Guide: How to Play Ursa

Ursa is a hero melee carry special. Even though it has the main attribute agility, he is more like a hero strength with potential burst damage high physique. Not only that, he was also very strong from the start of the game and weakened in the late game.

This hero is very strong against minimal opponents disable and the ability to disengage or keep your distance from it. Then what can’t be forgotten, he is one of the heroes who can take Roshan alone since the beginning of the game which can automatically change the dynamics of the game drastically.


  • Burst damage tall one
  • Have potential snowball high since early and mid game
  • Being able to take Roshan alone since early game


  • Do not have hard disable
  • No mobile so that it cankite easily


Ursa jumped up and hit the ground making the surrounding opponents accept damage and slow.

  • Radius: 385
  • Damage: 75/125/175/225
  • Movement speed slow: 10%/20%/30%/40%
  • Duration slow: 4 seconds
  • Cooldown: 11/10/9/8 seconds
  • Where is the cost: 85

Earthshock is the only one crowd control which Ursa has to initiate and pursue the opponent. But beyond that, spell This is quite weak because it has damage small and where is the cost which is high enough for a hero with where is the pool small like Ursa. Therefore, it is best to use spell this if you want to kill the opponent’s hero.


Ursa’s attacks become very fast for a few seconds or for multiple attacks.

  • Bonus attack speed: 400
  • Number of attacks: 3/4/5/6
  • Duration: 20 seconds
  • Cooldown: 15/13/11/9 seconds
  • Where is the cost: 40/50/60/70

Overpower is one of the two components that make Ursa have burst damage tall one. If all attacks with Overpower go to the same opponent, Ursa can kill anyone very quickly.

Fury Swipes

If Ursa attacks the same opponent continuously, she will earn a bonus damage which continues to increase indefinitely.

  • Bonus damage per stack: 9/18/27/36
  • Duration debuff: 8/12/16/20 seconds
  • Duration debuff to Roshan: 10 seconds

This is what Ursa has burst damage Very large. Each attack landed on the same opponent will make damage Ursa’s attack on the opponent is getting bigger. Then because Overpower allows Ursa to attack very quickly, she can produce damage very large in a very short time.


Ursa goes on a rampage and becomes increasingly difficult to kill. He will receive damage reduction as well as resistance status. When activated, Enrage also removes debuff which Ursa had at the time.

If using Aghanim’s Scepter, Enrage can be used even if hit hard disable as stun plus have cooldown the shorter one.

  • Damage reduction: 80%
  • resistance status: 50%
  • Duration: 4/4.5/5 seconds
  • Cooldown: 70/50/30 sec (30/24/16 sec with Aghanim)

Enrage is spell versatile in team fight. Blessing damage reduction given, Enrage allows Ursa to survive longer in the middle team fight. Bonus damage given is certainly useful for killing opponents more quickly. Not only that, the effect of eliminating debuff when activated can also prevent the opponent from doing kiting, especially if you use Aghanim’s Scepter.

Talent Tree

  • Level 25: +3 attacks for Overpower or +480 AoE Earthshock
  • Level 20: +12 damage Fury Swipes or -3 seconds cooldown Earthshock
  • Level 15: +300 HP or +12 agility
  • Level 10: +1.5 where is regen or +20 duration debuff Fury Swipes

Fury Swipes is the only way you earn damage, good for killing opponents, getting last hits, jungling, or even take Roshan. Therefore always maximize Fury Swipes as quickly as possible. That way you always have options for various situations that can occur.

What you pick up in between Fury Swipes depends on the match situation. Generally you want to maximize Earthshock first, especially when you don’t really need it burst damage that can be generated from Overpower. But if you need additional attack speed whether it’s for skirmishing or farming, take one or two Overpowers.


With Fury Swipes, you should have damage enough to get last hits easily without Quelling Blade. That’s why it’s best to buy Stout Shield along with standard regeneration like Tango and Salve.

The most appropriate shoes for the Ursa are Phase Boots for two main reasons. First, thanks to Overpower, you have attack speed which is more than enough to kill the opponent. Second, because sometimes you need to chase your opponent, Phase Walk from Phase Boots will certainly be very helpful.

Ursa has two build versions. The first build that we installed above is a build for Ursa who wants to play very actively as quickly as possible. Blink Dagger will help him get closer to the enemy more easily. Mask of Death provides the necessary sustain in the middle of a team fight, then Skull Basher synergizes with the attack speed given by Overpower.


Build the second is more focused on farming, and starts from the Battle Fury. Besides being more passive at the beginning, this build also usually skips Blink Dagger to directly buy stronger items for a more significant power spike. Monkey King Bar is one of the more common choices, or direct hard rush from Skull Basher to Abyssal Blade.

After being able to hold off the opponent who was the target, Ursa can sometimes still be held back by disable from opposing teammates. To prevent that, you can use BKB. That way you can finish off the opponent who is the target without being disturbed.

If your opponent has too many disable even after the duration of BKB, you can buy Aghanim’s Scepter to escape from disable fight when you don’t have BKB. If using items like Aeon Disk or Linken’s Sphere to prevent your initiation, you can buy Nullifier to answer them. Then even though it seems strange, the Scythe of Vyse can be effective if you really need it hard disable addition of Skull Basher or Abyssal Blade.

Also read: Know the Types and Differences of Stun, Sleep, Cyclone, Root, Banish, Fear, and Taunt in Dota 2


Ursa is a pretty strong hero in laning phase. But how easy laning phase what he earns quite depends on matchup in lane the.

He can do last hits quite easily with Fury Swipes, and always has potential kill from the start of the game. It’s just because of how big the potential is kill it depends support who accompanied him and the opponents he faced in lane. With heroes who have disable, he can be a scourge that must always be wary of.

On the other hand, without support which is okay he can only do last hits. On the contrary, if the opponent in lane could play aggressively, Ursa could even be squeezed because she had no way of escaping. Despite being killed in lane rare (especially if protected by support), always play with caution and see every opportunity and threat that presents itself.


Once you get enough levels and a Morbid Mask, you have more options. If excel in map control, you can easily take Roshan alone while your teammates distract on the other side folder. If not, you can search kill if have support worthy. If you fall behind, you may have to stay in the woods for a while until you’re ready to find the momentum to comeback.

Once you get Blink Dagger, you can play the best potential of this hero. Ursa has two important roles in team fight. First, if he gets the right initiation, he can kill important heroes quickly and make team fight already superior in terms of numbers.


Second, by being in the middle team fight, Ursa can wreak havoc and force several opposing heroes to respond. This will give your teammates a chance to do follow up more safely. Then because it has Enrage, Ursa becomes more difficult to kill and makes the opponent more troublesome.

Always pay attention timing Blink Dagger initiation. When, and to whom should you jump and use Overpower. In addition, also pay attention to when is the right time to use Enrage. Ideally, you want to use Enrage to undo one slow or root thus forcing the opponent to make one spell for free. But every games have different situations, so make sure you assess the situation well.


Enter late game, potency damage Ursa can drop drastically. Not because he doesn’t have damage, but since the opponent started to exploit his weakness, that is kiting especially with items. Even though it can get close, if it can’t hit the opponent, Ursa is completely useless.

Ursa’s weakness will be more easily exploited if he is left behind or does not gain momentum from the start of the game. If that happens, you and your team must find a way to comeback, or perform the role of tank front line, that’s if you have carry another qualified.


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