Dota 2 Hero Guide: How to Play Bounty Hunter
Bounty Hunter is a hero agility with ability nuke, fairly high mobility, as well as gameplay which is very flexible. Many people use this hero as a nuker, but not a few who trust him to carry out the role support. This hero is quite strong in early game and can be able to do scale well after that.
So, what is the correct way to use Bounty Hunter? In this guide, you will find out more about the abilities of the Bounty Hunter, as well as how to determine build depending on the situation and conditions at that time.
- Able to do roaming safely thanks to Shadow Walk
- Can kill one opponent hero quickly (specially) build Dagon or Orchid Malevolence)
- Track capabilities that can give you an edge net worth big one to the team
- Build which is very flexible, depending on the needs of the team
- Have a dependency on where
- Squishy, aka have a small HP
- Easy to counter with Sentry Ward or Dust of Appearance
- Ability team fight quite minimal
1. Shuriken Toss
Throws a Shuriken at the enemy, giving damage and mini stun. Can jump to another hit target track. If using Aghanim’s Scepter, Shuriken Toss has cooldown shorter and distance cast farther away, and produces a Jinada effect on the target.

- Range: 400 (650 with Aghanim)
- Damage: 150/225/300/375
- Distance bounce: 1200 (only to enemies hit by Track)
- Duration stun: 0.1 second
- Manacost: 150
- Cooldown: 8 seconds (6 seconds with Aghanim)
At level one, Shuriken Toss has damage Very large. With a little harass, you can kill some heroes support at the start of the game. Cast range far enough away can make skills this as a finisher good after doing gank, or use it at the beginning clash to give last hits to carry.
Shuriken Toss can bounce off other heroes under Track effect within 1,200 range. This means that if the opponent’s hero has run far away but is still hit by Track, you can use Shuriken Toss to creeps close and will bounce off the enemy. Blessing mini stun, you can stop the effect channeling such as TP Scroll, Black Hole, or Death Ward.
2. Jinada
Once every few seconds, Bounty Hunter attacks earn bonuses damage and steal unreliable gold of the opponent he attacks.

- Bonus damage: 70/100/130/160
- Gold steal: 12/20/28/36
- Cooldown: 12/9/6/3
Jinada has good synergy with Shadow Walk. Attacking with the Jinada effect plus Shadow Walk is a great combination for initiation and opens up great opportunities for your teammates to do follow up. The stealing effect is also quite annoying for the opponent.
3. Shadow Walk
Bounty Hunter becomes invisible and able to walk through other units. Bounty Hunter attacks that break Shadow Walk will give slow.

- Time fade: 1/0.75/0.5/0.25 sec
- slow: 14%/20%/26%/32%
- Duration slow: 4 seconds
- Duration: 20/25/30/35 seconds
- Cooldown: 15 seconds
- Where is the cost: 65
Shadow Walk makes it easier for Bounty Hunters to do gank and initiation. You can do scouting first to see the situation. His good synergy with Jinada will give slow so it can be continued with Shuriken Toss and some regular attacks.
While in time fade, you can eject skills, use items, or even attack without breaking invisibility. Usually, you will activate Shadow Walk first just before doing TP from the Fountain. That way, you can save where.
But keep in mind, Shadow Walk does not add movement speed to Bounty Hunters. If you are affected by the Dust of Appearance, do not activate Shadow Walk because you will walk very slowly.
4. Track
Marks enemy heroes, gives True Sight and information on their position on the map, also tells how much Gold they carry. When near enemies with Track, you will also have movement speed addition. Each attack on the opponent you track will also give damage addition
If the target dies, the Bounty Hunter and nearby companions get extra Gold.

- Range: 1000
- Radius movement speed: 900
- Bonus movement speed: 16%/20%/24%
- Gold Bonus to yourself: 130/225/320
- Gold bonus to teammates: 40/80/120
- Bonus damage: 140%/170%/200%
- Duration: 30 seconds
- Cooldown: 4 seconds
- Where is the cost: 60
Never underestimate the effects of Tracks during gameplay. Although now it only shows the position of the hero, but the extra Gold obtained and bonuses movement speed make a Track skills the strong one. Its synergy with Shuriken Toss also adds value to Track.
Whatever happens, don’t forget to track every enemy hero you see on the map. That way, your team can estimate the enemy’s position and when is the best time to initiate. If your team wins clash with five Track Kills, a huge amount of Gold will be earned and will give your team some momentum.
If you do gank alone, don’t forget to give Track to the enemy before using Shuriken Toss. Tracks can be easily countered using dispel skills like Repel or Purge. Enabling the Manta Style will also remove the Track effect.
Talent Tree
- Level 25: +250 gold from Track or 40% evasion
- Level 20: +50 gold steal from Jinada or +50 attack speed
- Level 15: +275HP or +50 damage Shuriken Toss
- Level 10: +40 damage Jinada or +20 movement speed

Bounty Hunter is a hero that is suitable for use as a ganker at a time support. At level one, you always want to raise Shadow Walk, unless clash in place runes allows you to secure First Blood with Shuriken Toss.
After that, take Jinada when you reach level two to give you the ability to do ganking. Only then, you can prioritize Shuriken Toss to make your abilities in roaming and ganking much stronger.
Ideally after maximizing the Shuriken Toss level, Shadow Walk is skills next one you raise. At level four, the duration of the Shadow Walk will be longer. This means that you will activate Shadow Walk less often, thus saving you where. Remember, Bounty Hunter requires quite a lot where to be ganker efficient.
Only then at levels 13 to 16, you can start maximizing Jinada. Because at that point damage Your attacks are getting more and more significant, and your team needs every resource damage is there to kill enemy heroes. Oh yeah, never miss Tracks at levels six, 12, and 18.

Actually, Bounty Hunter has build items which is very flexible. The table above is just a basic example items Bounty Hunter in general, good in public games nor competitive. You can customize the Bounty Hunter role to be support or ganker by looking at the situation and draft enemy heroes.
If your team wants to do teamfight in early and mid game, then make a Bounty Hunter support. While keeping your distance from the enemy’s front line, you can keep carry stay alive with Urn of Shadows, Mekansm, and Solar Crest. Drum of Endurance can be used as items offensive or defensive.
If your enemy uses a hero with a small HP, then you can consider becoming a Bounty Hunter ganker with power nuke the big one. Phase Boots can help you to escape or chase enemies faster. Dagon and Orchid of Malevolence are your tools to kill.
However, Dagon could also belong to items situational ones. You can make it if you have Gold to buy it before 15 minutes. More than that, it’s better if you skip it and focus on the Orchid of Malevolence. Because usually, carry the enemy already has the ability to defend against attacks nuke from you in those minutes.

At the start of the game, try to secure the Bounty Rune with Shadow Walk. But you have to be careful if support the enemy installed Sentry Ward there. If you play in hard lane, get as much XP but still play it safe.
If the enemy does creep pulling, you can interfere with it by blocking the area spawn creep, stealing XP by being nearby, or doing last hits otherwise too risky.
If you believe in yourself, do it courier sniper before the third minute. If starting items hero mid the only enemies were Tango and Ironwood Branch, there was a chance that he would use a courier to deliver the Bottle. If successful, all members of your team will get 150 Gold while making it difficult mid laner opponent for losing a Bottle for 120 seconds.
At level three or four, you can try doing gank to the Middle. Armed with the Orb of Venom, Jinada, and one/two levels of Shuriken Toss, ideally the enemy hero in mid lane will die with the help of your midfield. Success or not, don’t do it again farm. Try to do gank to lane others to look for opportunities to kill heroes.

Stepping on level six, you should have done it more often gank or help in clash. Track is a pretty good ability in every fight, because apart from giving movement speed, heroes killed under this effect will also give additional Gold.
In the teamfight, as much as possible use Track on every enemy hero. Use mobility (Shadow Walk) and nuke you have to kill weak heroes on the back line, be it support heroes or carry who tried to run away.
To be able to multiply the team’s momentum, do gank as often as possible. Use Smoke of Deceit together with ganker so as not to be detected by the enemy Observer Ward. Initiate with Jinada, Track, and Shuriken Toss to finish him off if your target tries to escape.
If it is not possible to do gank, circle around to track enemy movements while using Track on them. But you have to be careful, because your enemy could have provided Dust of Appearance, Sentry Ward, or even Gem of True Sight to limit your movement.
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