[Genshin Impact] Silk Flower Location Guide
Silk Flower is a flower that is pink (Crimson Red) and is in the Liyue region. Silk flower is a flower that is quite unique, if the flower is Genshin Impact Generally found growing singly in the soil, Silk Flowers grow in crowds like a sizable bouquet of flowers. It is said that Silk flower can be made into a woven fabric as fine as silk.

Silk Flowers
Materials for Ascension Xingqiu

Wangshu Inn

Liyue Residential Area

Buy at Ms. Bai, in Qingce Village

That’s information about the location of Silk Flowers that you can find and use to strengthen your chosen characters in Genshin Impact. Look forward to tips and guides Genshin Impact more only on GameFever ID!
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