The Complete Collection of Indonesian Valheim Cheats
The most phenomenal game in 2021, Valheim has just broken its sales record which reached 4 million copies within 3 weeks after its release.
Read: Valheim Reaches 4 Million Sales on Steam in the First Three Weeks of Release
Even the game had beaten the number of Dota 2 players who were in third position, also superior in the number of players. Currently there are around 498,000 Valheim players, while Dota 2 is recorded to have 430 thousand players.
Well, in this article we will provide a list of cheat commands for Valheim in Indonesian. Starting from the Valheim console command cheat, spawn item list, to server commands. For those of you who are curious, let’s see below.
Access tutorial to activate the Valheim cheat
Before discussing further, you must first know how to access and activate this Valheim cheat.
The method itself is quite easy. You just need to press the F5 key on the keyboard. After that the command button will appear. Next, just enter the code “imacheater”, without the double quotes in the text field.
If you have done it, then you can use the cheat code at will. To shorten the time, just look at the code set below.
Cheats Valheim and Console Commands
- god: God Mode, Invulnerability, and One Hit Kill
- ghost: The enemy cannot detect and attack you from any distance
- raiseskill [skill] [amount]: Increases Character-Specific Skill
- reset skills [skill]: Reset character skill to 0%
- reset character: Reset Skill and fill character Inventory
- heal: Added Health Bar (Life) to full
- puke: Reset the level of hunger (hunger), Life (Health Bar), and character stamina
- hair: Make your character bald without hair
- beard: Make your character has no beard
- model [nr]: Change the gender of the character from male to female, use the number 0 or 1
- dpsdebug: Disabling DPS Indicator
- players [nr]: Change the Difficulties level using numbers 1-3
- freefly: Photo Mode (Free Camera)
- ffsmooth 1: Free camera smoothing
- ffsmooth 0: Resets free camera smoothing
- save: Save Game forcibly
- exploremap: Remove the Fog
- resetmap: Opens a closed area on the Map
- post: Shows the address of the character coordinates
- goto [x,y] or goto [x,y,z]: Teleport using coordinate numbers
- location: Activate Spawan Point
- killall: Kill all enemies in the area around the character
- guest: All creatures will follow the character
- removedrops: Remove all items that fall to the ground
- wind [angle] [intensity]: Change the cardinal points, with angle 0 for north and intensity 0 – 1
- resetwind: Reset the cardinal points to normal
- tod [nr]: Change the time, use 0 and 1 to midnight, 0.5 to noon, and -1 set to Normal
- skip time [nr]: Skip several hours using numbers
- sleep: Skip for one full day
- events [name]: Starting Event Boss
- stopevent: Stop Event Boss
- randomevent: Activate Boss Event randomly
- spawn [item] [quantity] [level]: Spawn the specified item (item code is below)
- debugmode: Enter Creative Mode, here are the settings:
- Z: Disable Flying Mode
- K: Kill all enemies in the surrounding area
- B: Disable crafting and repairing without using WorkBench
The list above serves for Debug effects that will change the character’s abilities.
Spawn Item List
If you use cheat spawn [item] [quantity] [level] then you can present a number of items in the game complete with the level and number of items.
For example, Spawn 50 Wood, then 50 units of wood will appear in front of the character. This Spawn can also be used to spawn Mob.
For example, Spawn Goblin 3 2, then 3 Goblins will appear with level 2 simultaneously. Got it? Here is the list.
- BlackMetal
- Bow Huntsman
- FineWood
- Flint
- Haldor
- Obsidian
- Portal
- Silver
- SledgeStagbreaker
- TrollHide
For more details, you can also see a collection of Valheim list items here. However, be careful when spawning, because there may be bugs or lag if you spawn brutally. So use it sparingly.
Valheim Server Commands
With Server Commands you can find out more fully how to use the Valheim cheat command.
Because they will provide some easier-to-understand explanations about using the Command feature in this game. Even this list can also be used when you are leading a multiplayer server.
- help: Shows the entire list of Console Commands in the game Valheim
- ping: Shows Ping on the Server you are running
- lodbias [nr]: Change the Draw Distance using numbers 1-5
- info: show System Information
- kick [name/ip/userID]: Kick players who are on your map
- tire [name/ip/userID]: Ban players so they don’t get into your map again
- unban [ip/userID]: Unban players that you have banned
- banned: Shows a list of all players that you have banned
That’s the Valheim password code that we can share. By using the cheat above, hopefully it can help you to make the game easier. Interested to read other latest Cheat articles?
If you have tips, suggestions or criticism, please submit via email or Hobigame’s social media account. There are still many articles about game cheats that will be discussed, so keep an eye on this website.
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