Dota 2 Hero Guide: How to Play Shadow Shaman
Shadow Shaman is a hero intelligence long distance with those who have potential push very high. Leave tower not being guarded when this hero is in the game means giving up tower it is lost.
Though squishy, this hero has quite a lot disable as well as damage which is quite high. This makes positioning as well as a fast level becomes a very rewarding for this hero.
- Can do push
- Have burst pretty big damage
- Have quite a lot disable
- Very not mobile
- Just depend on the fast level
Skill Set Shadow Shaman
Ether Shock
Shadow Shaman shoots lightning into the area in front of him and produces damage to opponents in the area, but in limited numbers.

- Distance cast: 600
- Starting radius: 200
- Maximum effect distance: 500
- Final radius: 300
- Number of targets: 1/3/5/7
- Damage: 140/200/260/320
- Cooldown: 14/12/10/8 seconds
- Where is the cost: 100/120/140/160
Ether Shock is burst damage with damage which is quite large. Spell you can use this to do harass, last hits, or finish off a near-dead enemy hero.
Shadow Shaman turns one opponent into a chicken. For the duration of Hex, the opponent cannot attack, using spell, use items, as well as having movement speed which is very small.

- Distance cast: 500
- Movement speed: 100
- Duration: 1.25/2/2.75/3.5 seconds
- Cooldown: 13 seconds
- Where is the cost: 70/110/150/190
Like the usual Hex mechanics, Shadow Shaman’s Hex makes the opponent defenseless and can only move in movement speed which is very slow. Because you have time cast quite short, spell it can be a very powerful initiation tool.
Also read: The difference between Slow, Hex, and Purge in Dota 2
Shadow Shaman binds his opponent, giving effect stun and damage overtime as long as Shackles is active.

- Distance cast: 400
- Maximum duration: 2.75/3.5/4.25/5 seconds
- Total damage: 60/160/260/360
- Cooldown: 16/14/12/10 seconds
- Where is the cost: 140/150/160/170
Shackles is stun with a very long duration even at level one. Just because it’s channeling, Shadow Shaman must stand tall for the duration of Shackle. That means he can be interrupted or even killed considering he’s enough squishy.
Mass Serpent Ward
Shadow Shaman spawns 10 Serpent Wards to attack nearby enemies, including buildings. This ward is immune to magic damage and can only be destroyed by physical attacks.
If you use Aghanim’s Scepter, each Serpent Ward attack will attack two opponents at once.

- Distance cast: 550
- Number of Wards: 10
- HP Ward: 2 physical attacks
- Duration: 45 seconds
- Cooldown: 120 seconds
- Where is the cost: 200/350/600
Mass Serpent Ward is spell which is very strong and flexible. Damage The resulting output was huge, so the opponent obviously didn’t want to be near this Ward. Meaning in team fight, spell this creates an inner area team fight.
If not used in team fight, Mass Serpent is also very strong if used to destroy buildings like tower. This allows the Shadow Shaman to become pusher strong enough and should not be allowed to stand in front of tower freely. If it happens, tower is certain to be destroyed.
Also read: Dota 2 Guide: Pushing and Destroying Opponent Buildings
Talent Tree
- Level 25: +50 damage Serpent Ward attack or +400 damage Ether Shock
- Level 20: +1 HP Serpent Ward or +2.5 seconds Shackles duration
- Level 15: -5 seconds cooldown Hex or +125 distance cast
- Level 10: +20% XP gain or +200 HP

Always focus on maximizing the Ether Shock first. Damage the big one of spell this allows you to contribute in damage since early game. Otherwise, you will only be the hero who gives disable, but can’t help taking out the opponent you’re holding back.
In addition, two disable, Shadow Shaman’s has a long enough duration at level one. Four seconds in total disable of two spell is a very long duration, especially throughout early game.
After maximizing Ether Shock, focus on Hex which is safer to use than Shackle. After that, just maximize Shackle on late game, when you may have sustainability its better to stay longer in the middle team fight.

As support who desperately need levels, Shadow Shaman tends to play as farming support. But at least help your team buy Ward. After that buy standard regeneration like Tango plus some regeneration where like Clarity or Mango because you want to use Ether Shock several times to give pressure.
Just make sure the HP regeneration ratio and where that you bring according to matchup that you will face in lane.
Shadow Shaman has spell with where is the cost which is quite high. Therefore, buy Arcane Boots to meet your needs where you all early game. After that, you can break these shoes to make Aether Lens.

The reason you took the Aether Lens was obvious so that you could use spell from a safer distance. Remember, Shadow Shaman is quite a hero squishy and one spell what he has is channeling. While the shoes that you are still holding can you upgrade so Tranquil Boots.
After Aether Lens, choice items for you depending on the opponent and the conditions of the game. To avoid being targeted by your opponent, you can use Force Staff, Glimmer Cap, or Ghost Scepter. If you want to play aggressively and provide initiation options for your team, you can buy Blink Dagger.
If you get enough gold, you can increase the potential damage that you have. Aghanim’s Scepter and/or Refresher Orb makes the Mass Serpent Ward a formidable weapon both in team fight or push.

Shadow Shaman has quite unique attributes. He has damage attack as well burst damage so high that it is very strong. It’s just that he is also a slow hero and squishy. Therefore, always be careful with positioning when laning.
Try to win lane that you inhabit by continuously giving pressure. If you have won lane, you can rotate to win lane other or live in lane the same one. Whatever your choice, make sure you get as much XP as possible.
You have ultimate which is very valuable to the team. Therefore, make sure you can get to level six as quickly as possible. The sooner you get to level six, the sooner you can help the team unlock folder.

With Mass Serpent Wards, one tower what the opponent is not guarding is tower free for you. Just put the Mass Serpent Ward in front tower together creepwave. Tower will be destroyed in an instant especially at the beginning of the game where the opponent does not yet have attack speed high to finish him off quickly.
Mass Serpent Wards are also tools team fight which is quite strong. Once used, the area where you place Mass Serpent Wards is a dangerous area for the opponent. So make sure you place it properly. This can be achieved by good initiation or position team fight more profitable.
In team fight, unless you can initiate faster with Hex, don’t advance to the front line first. Stay at the forefront and advance just to use spell. With the Aether Lens, you should be able to use spell with safe. Always maintain a safe distance so you don’t get caught and just killed. Don’t forget to put Mass Serpent Wards when team fight happen.

Enter late game, team fight become more difficult. Opponents usually have magic immunity and getting stronger to kill you in an instant. Like support in general, always pay attention to positioning. But since you are a Shadow Shaman, you always have the option to focus on doing push with Mass Serpent Wards and dodge team fight.
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