Dota 2 Hero Guide: How to Play Queen of Pain
Queen of Pain (QoP) is a hero intelligence long distance that has burst damage Very large. Not only that, he also has very high mobility, making him able to move places quickly and difficult to catch.
Both of these advantages make it very suitable to be played in positions mid, because it allows him to snowball very quickly. Not only that, he is also very strong in lane and potential late game which should not be underestimated, especially with the talent he has.
- have two burst damage very lethal AoE bersifat
- Very mobile
- Have skills with pure damage
- Squishy with HP and armor the little one
1. Shadow Strike
The Queen of Pain throws a poison knife at one target, resulting in damage early, then damage overtime for 15 seconds. Not only that, the opponent who is the target is also hit movement speed slow which will decrease with duration debuff.

- Distance: 400/500/550/600
- Damage beginning: 50/75/100/125
- Damage overtime: 30/50/70/90 per 3 seconds
- Movement speed slow: 20%/30%/40%/50%
- Duration debuff: 15 seconds
- Cooldown: 16/12/8/4 seconds
- Where is the cost: 110
If ignore magic resistance and heal, Shadow Strike can produce a total of 200/300/400/500 damage according to the level. But regardless, Shadow Strike is skills versatile.
At the beginning of the game, you can use Shadow Strike to do harass what you can follow up with one or two regular attacks. When teamfight, it is also one of the good tools for follow-up damage as well as chasing opponents who are or are about to run away when you enter the middle team fight.
2. Blink
Like Blink in general, Queen of Pain can move places with a considerable distance.

- Maximum distance: 1300
- Cooldown: 15/12/9/6 seconds
- Where is the cost: 60
Blink is skills which makes the Queen of Pain so mobile and can take a good position in teamfight. Blink’s maximum range is also very far, which is 1300 units, allowing you to appear from angles that your opponent doesn’t expect. Then most importantly, at level four, skills this has cooldown which is very short, making it very difficult to catch if the opponent doesn’t have hard disable.
3. Scream of Pain
The Queen of Pain let out a deafening scream, resulting in damage to all enemies around him.

- Effect Radius: 525
- Damage: 75/150/225/300
- Cooldown: 7 seconds
- Where is the cost: 80/110/120/140
Blessing cooldown very briefly, the Scream of Pain allows the Queen of Pain to release burst damage continuously throughout the game or teamfight, especially if he already has where is the pool as well as where is regen tall one. Combined with Blink, you can earn damage significant start when wanting to do gank, initiation, or teamfight. The distance is also quite far, so you don’t have to stand too close to your opponent in order to hit them.
4. Sonic Wave
The Queen of Pain emitted a sound wave forward in the form of a cone area, produce pure damage and encourage anyone who hits it. If you use Aghanim’s Scepter, Sonic Wave will have cooldown shorter and damage the greater one.

- Distance cast: 700
- Starting area radius: 100
- End area radius: 450
- Maximum distance: 900
- Damage: 340/450/560 (390/500/610 with Aghanim)
- Cooldown: 135 seconds (40 seconds with Aghanim)
- Where is the cost: 250/360/500
Sonic Wave is ultimate very deadly in teamfight. Damage The resulting product is indeed not too large when compared to Laguna Blade or Finger of Death. However skills this is AoE so the impact will be very significant if you can hit more than one or two opponents. Not only that, damage produced is pure, which means it will not be reduced by armor or magic resistance opponent.
Regarding more than one target with skills this is not too difficult. You just need to be in the right position so that Sonic Wave can hit all opponents. Luckily you have Blink that really helps you in this matter.
Talent Tree
- Level 25: Have spell block with cooldown 18 seconds or Scream of Pain has an effect fear for 1.2 seconds
- Level 20: Shadow Strike 525 AoE or +25% lifesteal spells
- Level 15: +30 attack speed or 10% cooldown reduction
- Level 10: +8 strength or +20 damage

Huge potential damage Shadow Strike at the beginning of making skills You must maximize this as soon as possible. Can produce nearly 600 damage at level seven will make you a terrible specter. Not only that, spell It is also quite effective to use in trading in lane especially if you already have Bottle.
Before level six, take a level of Blink and Scream of Pain. Mobility from Blink you will really need even from the beginning of the game. While the Scream of Pain is skills which you want to maximize next so that you have damage output even higher.
As usual, pick up Sonic Wave at levels six, 12, and 18.

To dominate lane, items The most common starting points for Queen of Pain are Tango and Null Talisman. Addition where, damage, as well as stats from Null Talisman will really help you to get last hits and win lane. If you want to play greedy, you can request Shared Tango from your teammates and save the rest gold to buy bottles. But to be on the safe side, buy Tango, or at least Ironwood Branch to complete the Shared Tango you get.
Like the hero in midYou must get Bottle, even before you start buying shoes. The goal is clear to give you sustainability and the ability to control lane use skills that you have. After that, start buying shoes. Your top choice is obviously Power Treads which delivers stats flexible as well attack speed which will really help you earn damage addition.
Queen of Pain is a hero with build who is very flexible and depends on the opponent he is facing. In this article, we recommend Eul’s Scepter for several reasons. First, regeneration where as well as intelligence given will be very helpful for heroes like Queen of Pain. Second, the Cyclone effect on yourself can make you escape from the enemy’s Silence effect. Otherwise, you can also use it on your opponent for initiation.
There are many options for Queen of Pain’s needs. If necessary items defensively, you can buy Black King Bar or Linken’s Sphere. If need damage based spell, Aghanim’s Scepter, or even Shiva’s Guard can be an option. Orchid Malevolence or Scythe of Vyse are options if you are looking for disable. Then if in the game you also have to earn damage from ordinary attacks, items like Mjolnir or even Desolator you can consider.

The big idea when playing Queen of Pain was snowball as fast and as crazy as possible. To achieve that, at the start of the game your task is to gain levels as well farm sufficient. Fortunately, the speed of animation is slow damage your attacks will be very helpful for this.
Not only that, in many matchup, you can even win lane 1v1 in mid. The presence of Shadow Strike and threats damage from Scream of Pain will make you a tough opponent in lane. When the opponent wants to take last hits or attempt to retreat, use Shadow Strike, then land an attack or two. This will easily drive the opponent away, allowing you to take last hits with safe. Then to complete it, you also have Blink which makes you far superior in business Rune control.
Once you enter level six or seven, always look for opportunities to get kill. With level four Scream of Pain as well as some items first, you should be able to do gank easily to lane others, especially if assisted by teammates. With one or two gank successful produce kill, you should be able to start doing snowball quickly.

Assuming that you managed to gain a level advantage and farm from kill what you get, you should have damage output very high. Your main task remains the same, which is to find heroes to kill quickly and participate in team fight. Just don’t ever be reckless when you do it.
When doing gank or pick off, as long as you have items the right person or a comrade who can help, you should be able to kill your target quickly. But in team fight, you are advised not to be the first to enter and initiate. Even though I have damage the big one, Queen of Pain is quite a hero squishy, especially if your opponent can prevent you from escaping with Blink.
Wait for your teammate to initiate. So team fight start, find a position to get into team fight with Blinks. Ideally, you want to be in a position where Scream of Pain and Sonic Wave can hit multiple heroes. But don’t get too deep into it. Ideally, you want to be on the edge team fight, but still within the second range skills the. That way the opponent will find it difficult to target and prevent you from earning damage. Then if it turns out that your team loses in team fight, you can quickly Blink before it’s too late.
Keep trying to get kill if you get the chance, and make sure you are safe in every team fight or gank that happened. That way you can do farm or take an objective if possible.

Enter late game, your main task remains the same, which is to produce damage as much as possible with skills that you have. Especially in late game, one pick off will quickly lead to team fight which is not balanced. So, take advantage of the potential damage what you have for it if given the chance. But not only that, in this phase you have two additional strengths.
First, as level and items, you will have damage The attack is also quite high. So, don’t be lazy to do regular attacks when all skills yours is in cooldown, especially if you use Maelstrom or Mjolnir.
Second, if you have reached level 25, you can now go out and enter more often team fight. If you lose some HP, you can easily do lifesteal with skills what you have thanks to Talent lifesteal spells.
However, the key to both remains positioning. Don’t get caught without it back up, because in this phase the opponent is also getting stronger and may also have hard disable such as the Scythe of Vyse or the Abyssal Blade.
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