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Dota 2 Hero Guide: How to Play Witch Doctor

Witch Doctor is a hero intelligence all-in-one remote. He have stun which can hold the opponent for a long duration, heal area, as well as damage physical and magic which are both great.

Despite having a fairly complete ability, he is very easy to die and has no mobility. Not only that, all of its abilities are difficult to use to its full potential and require positioning the good one. All of these characteristics make it more often used as a support. But that doesn’t mean you can underestimate this hero.


  • Able to produce damage quite high, both physically and magic
  • Have utility in the form of healing and disable which is quite good


  • Easy to die and not very much mobile
  • All abilities are necessary positioning as well as optimal conditions (cannot be used just like that)

1. Paralyzing Cask

The Witch Doctor throws a small barrel filled with liquid that paralyzes the opponent. This barrel will bounce to nearby opponents up to several times. The opponent hit by this barrel will receive damage small as well stun.

  • Distance cast: 700
  • Bounce search distance: 575
  • Number of bounces: 2/4/6/8
  • Damage: 50 to heroes, 75/100/125/150 to other units
  • Duration stun: 1 second to heroes, 5 seconds to other units
  • Cooldown: 20/18/16/14 seconds
  • Where is the cost: 110/120/130/140

stun the output of Paralyzing Cask may seem insignificant. But it’s a different story if you throw it in optimal conditions. If you can make it bounce between two opponents continuously, Paralyzing Cask can make a total stun for four seconds on both opponents.

If you can’t land even the ideal situation, you can make at least 8 seconds in total stun. You just have to make sure all these barrels land on the hero when team fight.

Lastly, although rare, skills it’s also quite useful for farming and push. Damage as well as stun generated to creeps big enough, so you can use it to clean one creepwave quickly.

2. Voodoo Restoration

When activated, the Witch Doctor will give heal to his teammates around him.

  • Radius: 500
  • Where is the cost per second: 8/12/16/20
  • Heal per second: 16/24/32/40
  • Where is the cost Activation: 35/40/45/50

Voodoo Restoration is healing which is quite strong. At level four, spell this can give 400 HP in 10 seconds to all your teammates around. This certainly gives an advantage in various situations, for example breaking through high ground opponent or take the objective after team fight. The only thing you have to prepare is supplies where, because you also want to keep using spell others in the game.

3. Maledict

The Witch Doctor cursed the opponent who was in a small area. The cursed opponent will receive damage every second. Then every four seconds, the opponent will receive burst damage based on the amount of HP lost since the opponent was hit by Maledict.

  • Distance cast: 575
  • Area Radius: 180
  • Damage: 7/14/21/28 per second
  • Burst damage: 16%/24%/32%/40% per HP lost
  • interval burst damage: 4 seconds
  • Duration: 12 seconds
  • Cooldown: 30/26/22/18 seconds
  • Where is the cost: 105/110/115/120

Maledict is spell which has potential Damage very high. After landing it on your opponent, it’s your job and your team’s job to earn damage to the opponent as much as possible. Therefore burst damage Maledict’s output will be even greater.

4. Death Ward

The Witch Doctor spawns a Ward who attacks the heroes within his range. Spell this is channeling, which means it will stop if the Witch Doctor moves or accepts hard disable as stun.

If using Aghanim’s Scepter, Death Ward’s attacks are True Strike (ignoring evasion) and will bounce to other enemy heroes in the vicinity.

  • Distance cast: 600
  • Damage: 85/135/185
  • Attack speed: 0.22 or 36 attacks
  • Duration channeling maximum: 8 seconds
  • Cooldown: 80 seconds
  • Where is the cost: 200

Death Ward is spell which is very deadly. With the total number of attacks that can be issued, a Death Ward at level three can produce over 600 damage per second to one hero. Imagine damage generated in one team fight if you get Aghanim’s Scepter.

It’s just that, to be able to produce damage that big, the Witch Doctor should be able to use Death Ward for a long time. With channel status and remember how squishy this hero, you must have a good positioning in order to use it safely.

Also read: Know the Types of Damage and the Differences (Physical, Magic, and Pure)

Talent Tree

  • Level 25: +75 damage Death Ward or Vodoo Restoration delivers heal 1.5% of maximum HP
  • Level 20: +1 time burst damage Maledict or +125 Death Ward’s attack range
  • Level 15: +120 gold per minute or +2 times Paralyzing Cask bounce
  • Level 10: +6 armor or +75 damage

Build Witch Doctor generally focuses on Paralyzing Cask first. Apart from giving disable, Cask is spell the easiest to land. Even if it can’t be used in optimal conditions, anyway spell it generates stun for 1 second to the target you want.

In between maximizing Cask, take one point each for Voodoo Restoration and Maledict. At the start of the game, both spell this is quite useful even at level one.
After maximizing Cask, we suggest you max out Maledict. If you often do team fight in late game, Maledict can make a contribution damage big enough for your team. Even if you feel like you can land spell This is easy, you can skip Voodoo Restoration and just focus on Cask and Maledict.

Finally, just maximize Voodoo Restoration. Use spell this is quite difficult considering you have to put yourself in the middle team fight which is dangerous. Though as support You have to keep your distance in the back line. Moreover, at the beginning of the game you also don’t have where enough to keep it on continuously while still being ready to use spell.


Because it often acts as hard support, buy Wards and/or courier. After that spend the rest gold you with regeneration like Tango and Clarity. If you intend or are tasked with doing roaming, you can buy Wind Lace. But make sure you still have enough regeneration.

The most suitable shoe for the Witch Doctor is the Arcane Rune. This hero often uses spell in almost any situation, and where the additions provided by Arcane Boots will certainly be very useful.

As hard support, Witch Doctor would normally have a hard time farming and get gold. But if you can get gold enough extra, you can buy items early like Urn of Shadows. Apart from providing some very useful attributes, active effects items it also allows you to skip Voodoo Restoration to provide heal.


If you can’t get gold enough, focus directly on items Your main one is Glimmer Cape. Glimmer Effect from items it has some very useful functions to the Witch Doctor. First, you can escape from the enemy’s pursuit or help the enemy to escape. You can also use it to approach and initiate initiation.

Then one that is unique to Witch Doctor, you can use Glimmer when channeling Death Ward. That way, you can use Death Ward safely and in a more optimal position, which is close to the opponent who is the target.


After that, if you can still collect gold, buy Aghanim’s Scepter. Potency damage that you earned from the Death Ward that earned upgrade very high. Sometimes a Death Ward that is well placed and can be used for a full 8 seconds can win team fight easily.

Black King Bar also makes you immune from disable. That way you can use Death Ward without fear of being interrupted by disable opponent.


Even though it’s enough squishy and easy to die from the start of the game, Witch Doctor is laner which is quite strong. It has good attack animations and damage which is quite strong. Because it’s with ability laning which is okay, you can use this hero to zoning.

Moreover, if your opponent is not careful, you can also do follow up with Paralyzing Cask and Maledict. That way you can earn damage which is quite serious to the opponent’s hero in lane.

Always pay attention to the position of the opponent in the lane. If your opponent stays too long when creeps only one or two teams left, you can initiate a surprise with Paralyzing Cask. If your teammate is in lane can do follow up, you should be able to get kill with Maledict.


Stay in lane to secure farm your teammate. If lane you are safe, you can try to rotate and gank to lane other.

In team fight, positioning is an important aspect for Witch Doctor. Good positioning allows you to land all skills you to the maximum, aka hitting multiple targets. Stay in the back line or the edge that is difficult to reach and will not be crossed by the opponent.

Pay attention too timing and usage position spell such as Paralyzing Cask and Death Ward. You want Cask to at least land on the hero, not other units like creeps. Then you also want Death Ward to continue to attack and get the target even though your main target is running away.


Enter mid and late game, how easy the game is depends on the results you can get in early game. If you can’t get items nothing and only with shoes, you have to be very careful in taking a position. You can still contribute as long as you have a level. But with no items, you will die in an instant once caught.

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