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Build Zilong / Yun Zhao Mobile Legends Hurts

Build Zilong / Yun Zhao in Mobile Legends is sick, he is the longest fighter/assassin since the release of Mobile Legends. Anyone must know this one hero, Zilong / Yun Zhao is the adopted son of the Great Dragon. By relying on his beloved spear, Zilong/Yun Zhao had defeated many opponents and he became famous. For the sake of defending the truth and eradicating evil, the Zilong/Yun Zhao spear will continue to assist in his mission.

Zilong / Yun Zhao has a high offense level and is followed by his durability. This hero has many important roles that Vexa friends can learn here. Therefore, don’t miss out on learning the Zilong/Yun Zhao Mobile Legends build. Because Zilong/ Yun Zhao is a timeless hero, his strength is always able to help the team even in tough matches!

Skill and Build Zilong / Yun Zhao Mobile Legends Hurt

Best Build Zilong/ Yun Zhao Mobile Legends
source : Youtube Ax Mobile Legends

To build Zilong / Yun Zhao Mobile Legends is the mainstay of SkyWave. With more than 9000 matches, he was able to turn things around even though he was a tank in the AFK team. If you want to watch the match in detail from SkyWave, Vexa friends, then visit the SkyWave Gaming Youtube account or Ax Mobile Legends. Here is a build of Zilong/Yun Zhao Mobile Legends, the mainstay of SkyWave, which Vexa friends can give an example of.

Come on, get acquainted with Hero Nana in Mobile Legends

Best Build Zilong/ Yun Zhao Mobile Legends
source : Ax Mobile Legends
  • Swift Boots
  • Blade of The Heptaseas
  • Raptor Machete
  • Berserkers Fury
  • Endless Battle
  • Scarlet Phantom

If you feel that you don’t match the Zilong/Yun Zhao Mobile Legends build, there are other builds. Another painful build of Zilong / Yun Zhao in Mobile Legends is from the top players who are on display on the official Mobile Legends website. Here are some of the sickest Zilong/Yun Zhao Mobile Legends builds from the top players that Vexa friends can emulate.

Best Build Zilong/ Yun Zhao Mobile Legends
source : Mobile Legends Official

Build Zilong / Yun Zhao Mobile Legends Hurts

After studying the Zilong/Yun Zhao Mobile legends build, it is highly recommended to learn all the skills of this one hero. By learning all Zilong / Yun Zhao skills, Vexa friends will have an idea of ​​how to build the right one for him. Vexa friends can also create their own builds if they don’t match the Zilong/Yun Zhao Mobile Legends build recommendations here. Here are all Zilong / Yun Zhao skills that Vexa friends must know first!

Passive Skill: Dragon Flurry

Zilong/Yun Zhao’s basic attacks will deal additional damage every few seconds. Every 6 seconds, the next basic attack from Zilong/Yun Zhao will deal a combo attack several times on the opponent’s target. It will deal a total of 1.8 times the basic attack damage. If it hits the opponent with this basic attack, it will reduce the cooldown of the passive by 0.5 seconds.

Skill 1: Spear Flip

Zilong / Yun Zhao will lift the opponent’s target and deal damage while reducing physical defense. He will cause damage of 300 (+140 percent extra physical ATK) Physical damage. The physical reduction on the opponent will last for 2 seconds by 10.

Skill 2: Spear Strike

With this skill, Zilong / Yun Zhao will run towards the opponent’s target and cause damage and some basic attacks quickly. He will cause damage of 260 (+ 30 percent extra physical ATK) Physical damage.

Ultimate Skill: Great Warrior

Activating this skill then Zilong / Yun Zhao will remove the debuff in him. He will also be immune from the slow effects and increase his movement and attack speed. Zilong/ Yun Zhao increased his movement speed by 30 percent and attack speed by 45 percent. He is able to be immune to slow effects for 6 seconds

Zilong / Yun Zhao user mistakes to avoid

Of course, in addition to learning skills and builds from Zilong / Yun Zhao, Vexa friends also have to learn the mistakes to avoid. In order to maintain the team’s success in matches, this is very important for Vexa friends to learn. Vexa friends can watch in full and detailed user Zilong/ Yun Zhao errors on HEROISME’s Youtube account. Here is a summary of some Zilong/Yun Zhao user mistakes that Vexa friends should avoid from the HEROISME Youtube account:

Type Selection Problem

Determine Zilong’s role properly, so that he can be of good use in the match. Make sure to always determine the role of Zilong / Yun Zhao from the beginning of the game / draft pick, don’t let the role change in the middle of the game. Changing roles in the middle of the game certainly requires Zilong / Yun Zhao to change builds, spells, or emblems to be more precise. Zilong / Yun Zhao can be used as 3 roles in the match, namely:

  • Carry, Zilong/ Yun Zhao will play a main role in the mid to late game, and as the biggest damage contributor.
  • Support, Zilong/ Yun Zhao will act as team assistant from the start of the game. Zilong/ Yun Zhao support must help the team in ganking, backing up, protecting. (If the team already has 3 carry, then Zilong/Yun Zhao is very good to be a support)
  • Pusher, Zilong / Yun Zhao who acts as an opponent’s turret destroyer or as a lane cleaner and a distraction for the opponent. (To make Zilong/Yun Zhao as a pusher, first look at the opponent’s heroes. If your opponent chooses a war hero like Hanabi, Tigreal, Balmond, Leomord, etc. –which usually has a skill area- then Zilong/Yun Zhao is very appropriate to act as a pusher)

Carry-type Zilong / Yun Zhao Error: Often Dies

Zilong is a hero whose HP is not too thick, especially in the early game. If you play Zilong/Yun Zhao carry type, then try to play it safe. Always be aware if your opponent disappears from the map and stay focused on farming so that items can be made quickly. Try so that Zilong / Yun Zhao carry types are not poor in gold, at least they are in first, second, or third place. Gold Zilong/ Yun Zhao carry must be higher than the opponent’s carry.

Support type Zilong / Yun Zhao Error: Too Passive Play

Zilong/ Yun Zhao support plays a role in helping the team from the start of the game. Vexa friends must always be roaming, gank, or always ready if Vexa friends are needed. Usually when it’s late game, Zilong/Yun Zhao will play the role of carry. Because Zilong / Yun Zhao support in the late game will not give too good an impact. That’s why he should be changed to carry so that he can give additional damage to the team.

Zilong/ Yun Zhao Error Pusher Type: Not Cautious with Map

Vexa friends who use Zilong / Yun Zhao pusher types must always pay attention to the map. Always make sure the position is safe from opponents who might suddenly come with a gank. It’s best if Zilong / Yun Zhao wants to push, teammates should try to distract the opponent.

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Vexa friends have learned all the important things about Zilong / Yun Zhao. The rest just need to practice until they are quite skilled in using this one fighter/assassin hero. Also make sure to always determine the right role for Zilong / Yun Zhao to be played by Vexa Buddies. Play the game wisely and get enough rest. If there is something you want to share with Vexa friends, such as tips, tricks, reviews, please share in the comments column, OK!

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