Build Gusion Mobile Legends Hurts Global Top
The Gusion Mobile Legends build is none other than a hero role assassin. He was born into the Paxley family which is known as one of the strongest magic families. Even so Gusion fought his destiny, he combined the power of the dagger with his magic. Until one day he gets a chance to prove his strength. Gusion is able to end the match quickly even if his opponent has not had time to cast a spell. Even though they won, the elders still wanted to maintain the tradition and gave Gusion two choices. The two choices are to leave his fighting style or be banished from the Paxley family. Gusion chose to leave his family, determined that his name would be known throughout the Land of Dawn.
Gusion specializes in burst damage/magic damage. The level of skill effect and difficulty is also very high. Using Gusion is the same as using Fanny, that is, Vexa Buddy requires a fairly high agility of motion. Therefore, for Vexa friends who are interested in using this one hero, they must learn all things about Gusion which have been explained in full here.
Gusion Mobile Legends Skill and Build

To find the right Gusion Mobile Legends build is very easy. There are lots of build options for Gusion that you can sample Vexa friends. One of them is the latest Gusion Mobile Legends build from the invincible Jess No Limit. Vexa friends can also watch Jess No Limit’s great gameplay when using Gusion as well as learn the strategies he uses. Here is the Gusion Mobile Legends build from Jess No Limit that Vexa friends can example:

- Star Shard (End of match can be replaced with Blood Wings)
- Arcane Boots (End of match can be replaced with Divine Glaive)
- Calamity Reaper
- Holy Crystal
- Glowing Wand
- Genius Wand
If you feel that Vexa doesn’t match the build, don’t worry. There are still other Gusion Mobile Legends builds that Vexa friends can try. That is the build from Mobile Legends itself which is displayed on the official Mobile Legends website. Here is the Gusion Mobile Legends build that Vexa friends can prove their strength:

Gusion Mobile Legends Skill
It’s the right time to learn the Gusion Mobile Legends build for Vexa Friends! By learning all of Gusion’s skills, Vexa friends can find out what kind of build will match this one hero. Therefore, it is very important to learn the skills of a hero first. Here are all the Gusion skills that Vexa friends must learn:

Passive Skill: Dagger Specialist
Every time Gusion uses a skill, runes will be added to Gusion’s dagger. After having up to 3 stack runes, the next basic attack will deal additional damage. This additional damage is equivalent to 15 percent of the enemy’s lost target HP and restores Gusion’s HP up to 80 percent of the damage dealt.
Skill 1: Sword Spike
Gusion will throw a dagger in the direction or target he has targeted. It will deal 200 (+50 percent total magic power) magic damage to the first target hit. Use it again to make Gusion move behind the target and deal 200(+100 percent total magic power) magic damage to him.
Skill 2: Shadowblade Slaughter
Gusion will throw up to 4 daggers that will form a fan-like formation. Each dagger will deal damage of 110 (+50 percent total magic power) magic damage and cause a slow effect for 2 seconds. Use it again to pull all daggers back and if hit by an opponent, each dagger deals 65 (+40 percent total magic power) magic damage to enemies along its path.
Ultimate Skill: Incandescence
Gusion will dash in the direction he has specified and immediately refresh the CD from skill 1 and 2. Use this skill again to dash a short distance towards the target. After skill 2 is refreshed, Gusion will be able to throw up to 5 daggers and return with 10 daggers if the skill is reused.
User Gusion Mistakes to Avoid
In addition to learning all the skills and builds of Gusion Mobile Legends, Vexa friends must learn this one thing. Gusion user mistakes that Vexa friends must avoid so that Vexa Buddy’s gameplay becomes more pro and great. Vexa friends can watch in detail all the Gusion user errors on the HEROISGOD Youtube account. Here is a summary of some Gusion user errors that Vexa friends should avoid:

Choosing Gusion When Many Counters
When there are so many heroes who can be a counter for Gusion, it makes the space for him very narrow. Vexa friends who want to choose Gusion must make considerations first by looking at the opposing heroes. Gusion itself will be located in the midlane which will certainly make it difficult to move because of the many counter heroes who are ready to confront him. Vexa friends need great courage to use this quite difficult hero.
Panic During Combo
Gusion is a very deadly hero when he uses combos on his skills. The thing that makes it difficult is that Gusion must pay attention to the timing, position, and direction of the opponent’s movement. Moreover, mastering these three things is quite difficult and Friend Vexa needs speed in using skill combos. For beginners Gusion users, of course this will be the most difficult thing and make it easy to panic. The only way to prevent this panic is to keep practicing until your fingers get used to it.
Force Kill
Avoid playing too much to get kills or underestimating your opponent. Gusion who moves nimbly to enter the turret to chase the opponent is actually good. It’s just that in this case, Gusion must be smart to escape or be able to take advantage of the back up from the tank. The problem is when Vexa’s friend fails to get a combo and forces him to kill his opponent until he enters the turret area. Lucky if the opponent is killed, but it will be troublesome for teammates if Vexa Friend instead feeds the opponent. Be careful with opponents who intend to lure Vexa’s friends and always pay attention to the formation of teammates if you want to attack.
Also Read: Build the Strongest Minotaur in Mobile Legends, Multifunctional Tank
Vexa friends already know many things about Gusion that can be very useful in the match later. Keep practicing until you Vexa are good at using this one hero that requires agility of hand movements. The more reliable Vexa friends use Gusion, the more deadly and easier it will be to win the match. Make sure to play the game wisely and get enough rest. If there is something you want to share with Vexa friends, such as tips, tricks, and reviews, please share them in the comments column, OK!
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