In his petition entitled “Block the Free Fire Game for Destroying the Morals of the Nation’s Generation,” Fiqi Amd asked citizens to take action to block the Free Fire (FF) game.
The blocking action taken by Fidi Amd was carried out because of the many eccentric actions taken by children to imitate what was in the Free Fire game. Most recently, the deviant act of a child doing freestyle during tarawih prayers inside the mosque.
The small photo of the push-up emote was widely circulated on Facebook and then went viral. Fiqi, who is known as a YouTuber, thinks that the action taken by the little boy is very inappropriate. Apart from destroying the prayer movement and making it not solemn.
According to Fiqi, the Free Fire Emote Push-up game, which is widely imitated by small children, is very dangerous because it can cause neck fractures or fractures. Moreover, those who imitate the movement are mostly minors.
“The existence of a push up emote in the Free Fire Game where there is a description (do push ups anywhere at any time), makes Free Fire players, especially those who are underage, do and give examples in the real world. And many do this Free Fire game push-up emote in the mosque when praying,” Fiqi wrote in his description.
“Here the Free Fire game publisher just sits idle, there is no appeal or warning to all its players,” Fiqi discussed referring to the Garena publisher.
This is what then initiated Fiqi Achmaddi or “Fiqi Amd” to create a virtual petition to Block Free Fire for Destroying the Morals of the Nation’s Generation.
Petition Claim
In the petition published on the page, there are several points of demands that Fiqi requested. One of them is asking Garena Free Fire (FF) to delete the Push Up Emote or change the word “do push ups anywhere, anytime” from the emote.
“Changing a more suitable rating on Playstore from 12+ to 16+ adults, removing push-up emotes, creating an age verification system on Free Fire, and providing warnings/education in the game as well as through the community,” Fiqi wrote in the petition.
Here are some actions that Garena can take as a Developer or Publisher of the Free Fire game:
Changing a more suitable Rating on Playstore from 12+ to Adult 16+ Delete the Push Up Emote or change the word “do push ups anywhere, anytime” from the emote Creating an Age verification system in the Free Fire Game (by implementing a playing break) Provide warnings / education in the game directly and in the community Furthermore, Fiqi also asked for the support of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) & KOMINFO to provide strict sanctions and urge the public so that this incident does not happen again. According to Fiqi, an independent institution that accommodates scholars, zuama, and Islamic scholars and KOMINFO must intervene if there is no goodwill from the Free Fire game developer.
Like a tit for tat, Fiqi’s invitation to block Free Fire received support from netizens. It was observed, the petition managed to attract support as many as 20 thousand signatures only within 9 hours after the petition was made.
Warganet agrees and agrees with the points that Fiqi demands. Until this news was published, the petition had received the support of 235,974 supporters. Not wanting to drag on, Garena agreed to the demands by giving advice and education from Garena free fire on its fanpage and changing the words of the emote, which was originally “do push ups anywhere anytime” to don’t “try it”
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