Asia Pacific Predator League 2021/21 Held Online in April 2021

APAC Predator League 20/21
GridGames.ID – After having postponed the 2021 league, Acer has now announced the Asia Pacific (APAC) Predator League 2021/21.
Fans can watch the struggles of teams across Asia Pacific which will be held online from 6-11 April 2021.
“The decision to host the Asia Pacific Predator League and move it fully online, not cancelled, demonstrates Acer’s commitment to the gaming community,” said Andrew Hou, President of Acer Pan Asia Pacific Regional Operations.
“With the ongoing COVID-19 situation, we have made the decision to move the competition to Spring 2021 for the safety and best interests of the players, fans, spectators and tournament staff.”
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The team that qualified for the APAC Predator League 2021 Grand Final will be the first to get a slot for this year’s tournament, while the rest will be filled by other teams invited by Acer.
Overall, these teams will be going head-to-head to take home the coveted Predator Shield APAC Predator League.
“As one of the countries that initiated the Predator League event, Indonesia is a representative of countries in the Asia Pacific that should be reckoned with. There are many great gamers in the country who have great potential in international competition,” said Herbet Ang, President Director of Acer Indonesia.
“Acer Indonesia is ready to support representative teams from Indonesia and ensure that those who are selected are the best talents to make the nation’s name proud.”
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