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8 Mistakes Dota 2 Players Often Make

Dota 2 is games which is very complicated. There are so many little things that you need to pay attention to to get the most out of your game. Some of them are quite basic and you can understand quickly, some of them you have to discover by understanding some basic mechanics.

Even so, there are still many players who often make basic mistakes that they shouldn’t. Though, with games which is very punishing as Dota 2, one small and trivial error could have been a decisive factor in the final result of the match.

There’s a reason why TP Scroll is always on quick buy in the lower right corner. In the game, you will be required to do everything quickly and efficiently, including moving from one location to another.

TP Scroll helps you to change places in just three seconds, much shorter than having to walk to your destination. This will be very useful in various important events, for example your teammate needs help when being ambushed by the opponent, returning to lane to do immediately farm, or responding to the movement of an opponent on the other side of the map.

In the situation I mentioned above, not having a TP Scroll could be fatal. You can’t contribute when you need it. Worst of all, your team just lost because you and your teammates had to walk to base to prevent push from the opponent, as you can see in the video above.

Always carry a TP Scroll. Items you can get this for only 50 gold (equivalent to one last hits), you can get it at the Side Shop if you need it, and it’s always there quick buy.


Game sense and awareness map is something to be learned from experience. But even so, there are still many players who don’t pay attention at all minimap and enemy movements.

I often see players who are still farming in a position far from tower alone. Even though the Observer Wards installed by his teammates clearly showed that three opposing heroes were moving towards him.

Take advantage of all vision what you have, good vision from creeps, tower, or Observer Wards that your teammates have installed. If you play carry and see two or three heroes in the same area, do it farm in another area. If the opponent is not visible even though you have installed three Observer Wards, it means they are in an area that does not get vision, or they are doing smoke gank.

Whatever you do, always pay attention minimap every few seconds. Study quickly, then immediately act on whatever information you get from minimap the.

Also read: Dota 2 Warding Guide: Common Observer Wards Points


This is one aspect game sense which is also still often missed by many players, especially players at low levels.

Indeed, some heroes will become very strong when getting items or a certain level. Slark, for example, will be a serious threat to the opponent when he gets the Shadow Blade. But that doesn’t mean you can do everything arbitrarily. If you are careless, you will be killed again and leave your team behind.

Indeed, under normal conditions, Slark with Shadow Blade was a serious threat. But if it turns out you’re missing one items from carry opponent for dying too often in early game, he could be food for the opposing team. Under these conditions, arbitrarily went forward to do kill it can even be fatal. Better avoid team fight and do farm until you can get another one items important quickly. After all Slark can do farm quickly use Dark Pact.

Always evaluate the position and condition of the team, the hero you are using, and the opponent’s hero. If it turns out that you or your team lags far enough, fighting 5v5 head-on might not be a good decision.


To win at Dota 2, you must destroy ancient opponent, which also means destroy tower they. Everything that happened in between, starting from farming, kill each other, and seize the advantage, is the way to be able to achieve that ultimate goal.

Unfortunately, there are still many players who forget this. For example, after winning team fight, they come back farming and don’t take tower opponent. Or when excelling and stepping on power spikes What’s important is that they continue farm instead of gathering and trying to seize tower.

As a result, the advantages they get are wasted. The tempo of the game drops, the opponent gets room to breathe, and can even take the lead after a few minutes.

Always maximize the advantages you get, no matter how small it is. If your team wins teamfight firmly, take tower fight, kill Roshan, and/or install Wards in their area. If one or two of your teammates manage to get items or important level, try to be more active to take objective or search teamfight (before taking the objective).

Also read: Pushing and Destroying Opponent Buildings


Early in the game, especially in mid and safe lane, you want creep equilibrium or meeting point creeps close to tower your team so you can do farm with safe. But sometimes there are many people who intentionally or unintentionally change the damage creep equilibrium this.

One example is by doing auto attack to creeps opponent. This will make creepwave opponents die faster than creepwave alone. as a result creep equilibrium will advance to an increasingly insecure point.

There are many other examples, for example, accidentally interesting aggro creep when it’s not necessary. But the point is, if there’s no reason in your favor, never break it equilibrium creep.

Also read: Know the Importance of Creep Equilibrium and How to Change It

In Dota 2, there are a few items which is available in stock and will be replenished after the duration or cooldown certain. From a few items Of these, there are three that are actually quite important and will be used frequently, namely Observer Wards, Tome of Knowledge, and Smoke of Deceit.

But even though it is quite important and useful, there are still many people who don’t buy it right away items This is as soon as stock is available. Because items it’s always full stock, restock cooldown items it doesn’t work so technically you’ll get a new stock for items it’s slower.

Never forget to buy items like Observer Wards and Tome of Knowledge every time items are available or have stock. Maximize your efficiency by making restock cooldown items it keeps going

As a player support, I’m enough salty when I see that there are players who still make this mistake. Many excited players themselves want to do gank to the hero who has invisibility, but does not bring detection. Worse yet, they usually nag why support not bring detection.

Support really can buy detection. But that doesn’t mean item detection such as Dust of Appearance or Sentry Wards only need to be purchased by support. If you are ganker or the initiator who always goes first in teamfight or gank, you should also always bring detection, because you are the one who will immediately approach the opponent’s hero. Temporary support have to walk over and put yourself in a dangerous position to use detection.

Never be lazy to bring detection, whatever your role in the game. Otherwise, unless your team has lockdown enough, don’t waste time doing gank to the hero who has invisibility.

In games strategies like Dota 2, information is the key to victory, especially information about the opponent, from their whereabouts to what they have.

Knowing your opponent’s information will make it easier for you to make the right decisions and actions. For example, when a new game starts, always check what (and how much) items the start brought by your opponent in lane, especially items regeneration. If it turns out that you have items more regeneration, you on paper will benefit more when doing trading. That way you can play a little more aggressively when doing zoning or harass.

This applies throughout the game from start to finish. But there are still many players who are lazy to do this. I quite often see players who want to go to lane without seeing that the opponent who was in lane the same one already has a Blink Dagger and is level 12. As a result, the opponent can initiate and get kill free.

When you can see where your opponent is, take the time to at least look items which he has. For levels, you can see it directly at scoreboard very easily. So, if it turns out that the opponent’s Nyx Assassin has stepped on level six and is not visible in the minimap, it never hurts to be more careful in taking a position.

What mistakes do you think are quite basic but are still often made by players? Enter it in the comment box below.

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