7 Summoner Spell LoL Wild Rift Complete and Functions
You must be familiar with the Summoner spell feature in almost all online games, especially MOBAs. Like it or not, this kind of feature is mostly adopted from the Summoner Spell feature in the PC version of the League of Legends game. Given the large role this feature plays in every game, in League of Legends: Wild Rift, Riot Games still retains this additional skill feature.
League of Legends: Wild Rift has 7 spells that you can use to get additional skills. However, from these 7 spells each player can only use two spells to fight. So what are the spells in Wild Rift? The following is a list of the Wild Rift summoner spells and their functions that you can use as needed.
This spell has a function that can provide explosive movement speed to players up to 25%. This move speed can last for 6 seconds and will colodown by itself for 90 seconds after use.
When you are in a sandwich position or pinched and want to try to escape to save yourself. Then you can take advantage of this Flash spell. The reason is, with this Summoner spell you can move to the nearest location quickly. Just like Exhaust for cooldown this spell takes 105 seconds after use.
With this spell you can burn your opponent and give him 60-410 true damage for 5 seconds. Having a cooldown of 90 seconds, Ignite has an additional effect in the form of grevous wounds which reduces HP regen by 50%.
With this spell, players can restore champions of 80-360 HP while providing additional movement speed of up to 30% for 1 second to injured teammates. The use of heal in a row can only give an effect of 50% only. Meanwhile, the cooldown of this spell takes 120 seconds after use.
When you have trouble facing enemies, you can use this ability to reduce your opponent’s movement speed by 20%. For damage, the Exhaust spell is able to absorb 40% damage for 2.5 seconds. Meanwhile, the cooldown of this spell takes 105 seconds after being used.
The next spell in Wild Rift is Barrier. This spell is capable of absorbing 115-465 damage in just 2 seconds. Meanwhile, the cooldown for this spell takes 90 seconds after being used.
In addition to bringing damage of 440-1000 true damage when fighting junglers or forest monsters. Players can also get 70 + 10% heal from this spell. Amazingly, you can increase the ability of Smite into 2 versions, namely Chilling Smite or Challenging Smite.
Where Chilling Smite will give a slow effect to the opponent, while Challenging Smite besides being able to reduce the opponent’s damage this spell will also give players an additional basic attack of 48-125 true damage for 2.5 seconds.
You could say, Smite is a special spell that is specifically used for Junglers. With this spell, players can do farming by quickly destroying forest monsters. Although it can kill monsters directly, Smite is not recommended for use other than Jungle.
The reason is of course because Smite brings bad effects in the form of Hunter’s Duty. Where this effect causes a reduction in the player’s gold by 20% more when destroying minions. This will be very detrimental to players because they are left behind in obtaining gold. And this becomes useless in the late game.
Those are some of the Summoner spells in League of Legends: Wild Rift that you should know. Stay tuned for updated information about games, gadgets and anime only at Kabar Games. So you don’t miss the news, you can follow the news Instagram and Facebook accounts. Don’t forget to leave your comments!
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