Therefore, Kabar Games has summarized the 6 best and deadliest Combos in Magic Chess Mobile Legends (ML) in 2021 so that it is easier for you to become a winner. You don’t need many examples of synergy, but the important thing is that it’s useful, right? Let’s just take a look!
Combo Arrangement: Hero Weapon Master: Argus + Terizla + Freya + Zilong + Alpha + Martis Hero Abyss: Moskov + Dyrroth + Argus + Terizla Hero Support: Rafaela or Angela Hero Weapon Master consisting of 6 heroes will be a deadly combo when combined with 4 Abyss + 1 Support. This combo synergy focuses on regenerating HP and amplifying the incoming damage to the opponent. All of these heroes are able to recover 65% HP after dealing damage to the enemy.
Abyss contributes to a reduction in the opponent’s physical defense by up to 35 points. While support will increase the stats of other heroes with their skills (20% attack. Physical and 20% Magic Defense). If used simultaneously, the resulting synergy will deal enormous damage.
That way you can master the game, and your chances of winning are getting bigger. But, keep in mind when you use this combo you have to be careful when placing the hero, the article is that if you put the hero wrong, your synergy will easily overwhelm the enemy counter. For hero support you can use Rafaela or Angela.
6 Mage + 3 Northern Vale + 2 Empire
Combo Arrangement: Hero Mage: Aurora + Odette + Harrid + chang’e + Alice + Esmeralda Northern Vale heroes: Freya + Masha + Aurora Hero Ampire: Harris + Odette Additional Heroes: Moskov & Claude To face the enemy there are 6 best Mage heroes that you can combine to make great combos. Among them are Aurora + Odette + Harrid + chang’e + Alice and Esmeralda. But about the items, back to the respective players, okay? If you want to build Mage, then the synergy combination of 6 Mage, 3 Northern Vale, and 2 Empire is perfect for you to rely on.
Why? Because, this combination focuses on charging mana, besides that Mage is known as a hero who relies on skills. So, this will make it easier for other heroes to spam skills. When the battle starts, all Northern Vale heroes that you have will get full mana.
Combo 3 Mage has the ability to increase the magic damage of all fellow heroes by 40%. While combos using 6 Mage can increase the magic damage of other heroes up to 130%. Not to mention that 2 Empires with Basic Attack can reduce enemy heroes’ mana by 7 points and recover their mana by 2 points. So that you don’t die, you can also use Moskov & Claude as additional heroes.
6 Assassins + 4 Empires + 2 Scarlet Shadows
Combo Arrangement: Hero Assassin: Lencelot + Gussion + Hayabusa + Ling + Selena + Saber Hero Empire: Tigreal + Odette + Lencelot + Gussion Hero Scarlet Shadow: Kagura + Hayabusa Additional Hero: Johnson Not only the synergy between Mages that can make you a winner, Assassin’s hero combos can’t be underestimated either. The combination of 6 Assassins, 4 Empires and 2 Scarlet Shadows is guaranteed to make the enemy unable to move. Especially if you combine this combination in one line up, from here the scariest combo in Magic Chess Mobile Legends (ML) will be created.
Not only Mage who rely on skills to attack, Assassin heroes too. In this combo, the Empire’s task is to steal the opponent’s mana. Enough with the placement of 2 Empire where the opponent will be reduced by 7 points. And 2 Scarlet Shadows to unlock Hayabusa’s ultimate skill. Oh yes, you can also use Johnson as an additional hero.
Actually, if you want, players can also make their own combos. However, if you are not a good strategy designer, you should follow this combo recommendation from Kabar Games.
6 Dragon Altar + 4 Summoner + 1 Support
Combo Arrangement: Hero Dragon Altar: Sun + Akai + Baxia + Ling + Chang’e + Wanwan Hero Summoner: Zhask + Vexana + Diggie + Sun Support Hero: Angela or Estes It’s a great combination. Starting from the Dragon Altar which contributes additional attack speed and shield if a friend is killed. Plus there is a combination of 4 Summoners that will help you summon 2 Scared beasts as friends. While 1 Support can be used to strengthen the defense of the opponent’s attack with their skills (Attack 20%, Physical and Magic Defense 20%). There are 2 alternative support that you can use, namely Angela or Estes.
6 Marksman + 2 Abyss + 2 Scarlet Shadow
Combo Arrangement: Hero Marksman: Claude + Granger + Hanabi + Irithel + Moskov + Miya Abyss Hero: Terizla + Moskov Hero Scarlet Shadow: Hayabusa + Hanabi Hero Support: Rafaela The next best Magic Chess Mobile Legends combo consists of a combination of 6 Marksman + 2 Abyss + 2 Scarlet Shadow + Rafaela. This includes the strongest combos used by the top global Magic Chess ML. Feels like a gang, doesn’t it really.
The reason is, among all the synergies there are only 6 Marksman that produce the most damage, which is 400%. Not only that, the merging of 6 Marksman at once is able to increase the Critical Rate of Marksman heroes by 40%. If the combination is added to 2 Abyss, the damage that occurs to the opponent will be even greater due to the decrease in the opponent’s physical defense.
This combo gets stronger when the Scarlet hero is added for Hanabi’s ultimate. When the situation is critical, you just need to add Rafaela as support which is synergized with Granger so that it doesn’t die easily.
6 Wrestlers + 4 Celestials
Only 2 combinations? Wait a minute, even though this combo only consists of Wrestler and Celestial, you can’t underestimate this synergy, Ferguso. As we know (maybe you don’t know), Wrestler, through basic attacks, is the only synergy that can stun the opponent.
And the only synergy that fits into the Wrestler is Celestial. Why? because Celestial can increase the Attack Speed of all heroes of one big team in one Magic Chess Mobile Legends (ML) arena. Just knew? Are you a noob?
So that’s the list of the best and strongest combo recommendations in the Magic Chess Mobile Legends (ML) game for 2021. If you find a synergy that is much greater than the combo above, please let us know. Stay tuned for the latest and updated news about games and anime only at Kabar Games.
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