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5 Best Mage and Tanker Hero Duets in Mobile Legends

When playing Mobile Legends, like it or not, we have to work together with teammates. Sometimes we have to work with 4 of our friends at once.

But sometimes we also have to work with only one of our friends. And this collaboration is often referred to as a duet.

Well, among the many duets that you can do in Mobile Legends, one of the best duets is between the Mage hero and the Tanker.

Indeed, the Mage and Tanker heroes on average have complementary skills. So very profitable.

For those of you who are interested, you can try the 5 best Mage and Tanker heroes duet in the following Mobile Legends.

Also read: The 5 most suitable heroes duet with Johnson in Mobile Legends

5 Best Mage and Tanker Duet Heroes in Mobile Legends

1. Alice and Ghatotkacha

Alice and Ghatotkacha
Alice and Ghatotkacha

The first duet between the best Mage and Tanker in Mobile Legends is Alice and Gatotkaca. These two heroes have skills that support each other.

Alice can open an attack using Flowing Blood, then Gatotkaca can use his Blast Iron Fist. Enemy heroes are just names.

Also read: 7 of the craziest duet heroes in Mobile Legends

2. Aurora and Johnson

Aurora and Johnson
Aurora and Johnson

The duet between Aurora and Johnson also cannot be underestimated. The reason is, these two heroes are indeed suitable, both in terms of skill and attack.

The duet between Aurora and Johnson will be even more dangerous when doing a team fight.

The opposing hero will be surprised by the combination of skills between Rapid Touchdown and Coldness Destroy.

The first thing that needs to be done is that Johnson turns into a car, then Aurora joins in it.

Next Johnson chooses 1 opponent hero as a target. Just beat up the two heroes.

Also read: 8 reasons why Mobile Legends is better than Vainglory

3. Nana and Tigreal

Nana and Tigreal
Nana and Tigreal

The next duet that can also overwhelm the enemy is between Nana and Tigreal.

The Morph Spell and Sacred Hammer skills are a perfect combination.

Coupled with Nana’s Dragon Cat Summon skill, it will make the opposing hero think twice about facing you both.

But the drawback of this duet is, you need one more hero as a damage dealer.

Also read: These 5 Mobile Legends Heroes Will Have Difficulty Escape When They Are Surrounded

4. Nana and Franco

Nana and Franco
Nana and Franco

Well, if the duet of these two heroes is really very annoying. If you meet the two of them, it’s better to run fast.

Because once you meet them, you can never run away.

Want to run away? There is Franco who will pull you with his Iron Hook.

Want to run away again? Nana can turn you into a doll with the Dragon Cat Summon skill.

Anyway, stay away from the duet of these two heroes.

The Androbuntu team also sometimes uses a duet of these two heroes when playing Mobile Legends together.

Also read: 5 reasons why there must be an assassin in the Mobile Legends team

5. Eudora and Tigreal

Eudora and Tigreal
Eudora and Tigreal

The next Mage and Tanker duet heroes that you should also take into account are Eudora and Tigreal.

By relying on Eudora’s Electric skill, combined with Tigreal’s Sacred Hammer, you can easily kidnap the opponent’s hero.

Then you both finish.

Also read: Get to know 5 new heroes in Mobile Legends, who is the best?


That was the best duet between Mage and Tanker heroes in Mobile Legends. Are you interested in trying it?

You can apply this duet when playing Ranked Mode. That way you can increase your chances of winning.

Good luck.

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