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3 Ways to Permanently Delete Facebook Account (Update 2021)

Guide on how to delete Facebook account permanently or temporarily via HP or Laptop / PC

There are so many benefits that you can take from Facebook, ranging from easily finding your old relatives/friends, promoting your products, discussing together, playing Facebook games to relieve boredom and so on.

Even so, some people wish to deactivate their facebook account. Whether it’s because facebook made them”addicted” or make their time management a mess.

Although not entirely true, there are some people who are addicted facebook, every time they routinely update the status, upload photos or comment on the status of their friends.

To the extent that they forget to do things that are far more important than facebook. Click the button below to go directly to the desired discussion:

Tutorial How to Delete Facebook Account

For how to delete a Facebook account, it is also divided into two, namely deleting it temporarily and permanently. If you choose the first option (temporarily delete), you can easily reactivate it, just by logging in as usual.

In contrast to deleting it permanently, if within 14 days you do not log in at all, your facebook account will be completely deleted and cannot be reactivated.

A. Deleting Facebook Account on HP

How to delete your own Facebook account via HP is not complicated. You can do this easily via a browser.

Account deletion is divided into 2, namely temporary and permanent, it’s up to you which one you choose, I will explain the difference between the two. Immediately, here are the steps:

  1. Login to your Facebook account via a browser (use Chrome only). Then click Menu (three lines icon) as indicated by the arrow.
    how to delete your own facebook account via cellphone
  2. Scroll down then select Arrangement.
    delete facebook account 2
  3. Scroll down again, on Your Facebook Information, choose Account Ownership and Control.
    delete facebook account 3
  4. Next select Deactivation and Deletion.
    how to delete your own facebook account
  5. There will be 2 options that you can choose from. Temporarily delete Facebook account (Deactivate Account) or permanent (Delete Account), please choose according to your wishes. Here I want to permanently delete my Facebook account, so select Delete Account. Then click Proceed to Account Deletion.
    delete facebook account 5
  6. If you delete your Facebook account permanently, all your data, be it photos, videos or your posts while using Facebook, will be deleted. Even your connected Facebook account on Messenger will also be deleted.
  7. I assume you agree with the consequences that you will receive. Then scroll down a bit and click Delete Account.
    delete facebook account 6
  8. To ensure that it is you who did the deletion of this Facebook account, then please enter your Facebook password. Next click Continue.
    delete facebook account 7
  9. Next step click Delete Account.
    delete facebook account 8
  10. Done, your Facebook account has been successfully deleted permanently. Make sure you don’t log in within 14 days, because if you log back in, then the deletion of your Facebook account will be cancelled.
    delete facebook account 9

B. Deleting Facebook Account on Laptop / Computer

#1 Deleting facebook account temporarily

The first thing we will discuss is temporarily deleting a facebook account. You can choose this option if one day you want to return to using your facebook.

However, when you temporarily delete your facebook account, other people or your facebook friends cannot contact you even see your facebook timeline. If you are sure of your decision, see the steps below to temporarily delete your facebook account:

  1. First of all login to your facebook account as usual.
  2. Next select Arrangement.
    how to delete facebook/fb account
  3. You will be brought to the menu General Account Settings. choose Edit on column Manage Account.
    how to delete facebook
  4. Scroll down a bit and select Deactivate your account.
    how to delete facebook account
  5. You will be presented with a form as shown below. choose Others, explain further:. Then fill in your reasons why you want to delete your facebook account. Also check the option Reject email. Next select Closed.
    how to delete fb account fast
  6. Then select Deactivate Now.
    how to delete facebook account temporarily
  7. Your facebook account has been successfully deleted temporarily. As I said before, other people or even your own Facebook friends can no longer see your Facebook timeline.

If for example you change your mind and want to reuse your facebook account, just login as usual and your facebook account can be used again.

#2 Permanently delete facebook account

Next I will explain about how to permanently delete a facebook account. Before that, make sure your heart really wants to delete your facebook permanently. Immediately, see the steps below:

  1. Login to your facebook account as usual, then visit the following link.
  2. Next select Delete My Account.
    how to delete facebook account permanently
  3. Enter your password along with the required captcha, then select OK.
  4. Your Facebook account has been successfully deleted permanently.
  5. The Facebook gives a vulnerable time of up to 14 days. If you do not log in for more than 14 days, your facebook will be completely deleted permanently and you can no longer restore it.

5 Reasons Why Users Delete Facebook Accounts

There are several reasons why users decide to delete their Facebook account, including the following:

1. Just a waste of time

The first reason why users delete their Facebook accounts is because it is a waste of time. Do you know how long the average Indonesian spends accessing their social media in a day? Yes, according to data, the average Indonesian accessing their social media in a day is 5.1 hours per day.

That time is certainly more than Americans who access social media which is only 3.2 hours per day on average or even Japanese people only 2.3 hours per day. If, only seen from the average Facebook user, in a day the average Indonesian spends at least 6 hours per day on Facebook social media only.

You must know that Facebook is just a sucker for your time, so it makes you less productive. By spending 6 hours per day just playing Facebook, that is the same as a quarter of a day spent just looking at people’s status or news feeds. Then, when else do you have time to study, work and sleep?

2. No more private place

Another reason why users delete their Facebook accounts is because there is no more privacy space. Facebook this time has removed the option so that your account is not tracked in the search field. Little by little Facebook is destroying the ability of its users to hide their personal information.

Facebook already provides a Privacy tab, but that menu makes Facebook even more complicated than it used to be when you could hide some of your information from the network.

Imagine how much personal information you have already shared? Starting from what you like, family members, your status, your religion, and so on are already held by Facebook. So, the only way to keep you free from malicious behavior such as snooping or snooping internet criminals is to block them, or the more effective way is to delete your Facebook account.

3. Don’t know who to be friends with

The next reason why users delete their Facebook accounts is because they don’t know who they are friends with. Surely inside you don’t want to carelessly add “friends” that you don’t know.

As our parents used to say “Don’t talk to strangers”. The old people’s messages seem to have been ignored for now or maybe because you’ve been tricked by Facebook’s algorithm into telling you that you’re friends with person C because you’re friends with A and B too.

Every day, Facebook always recommends that you make friends with people you don’t know, even if you never hear their names or see their faces. Facebook’s algorithm keeps forcing you to make friends because of mutual friends that match. So, your Facebook only contains people you don’t know, sometimes they even invite you to a page or game.

4. Unsafe data or information

Another reason is because the data or information listed on Facebook is no longer safe. In June last, Facebook has revealed the results of its ‘study’ based on experiments on 689,000 users, who did not know that their data, information and status were taken for Facebook’s experimental material.

Facebook manipulates interactions between users to prove that feelings of sadness, joy, and other emotions are contagious to other users. From one friend to another. This is one example of a form of horror that Facebook can do to break into and take advantage of user information that should be protected not to be secretly experimented with.

5. In order to avoid the nickname Alay or Lebay

The next reason is to avoid being called alay or lebay. You must know people like this who always appear to tell you that he is at the mall but didn’t buy anything, or he complains about his current situation, or says that Indonesia’s scenery is more beautiful than the photos of foreign landscapes that he uploads.

Maybe you are a little annoyed with people like this and not infrequently you might say “it’s too much, a little showing off”. Are you familiar with them? Yes, it could happen to you. You can also be the subject of other people’s talk without you knowing. Therefore, it is better to delete your Facebook account and do other useful things.


That’s how to delete facebook account easily, either temporarily or permanently. If there is no compelling reason to delete your Facebook account, I suggest not deleting it.

Use facebook only as necessary, lest you become addicted, to the point that you forget to do your school/office assignments. Facebook was built for positive purposes, therefore, use it wisely.

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