2 Easy Ways to Transfer LINE Account to Another Cellphone (Latest 2021)
LINE is one of the most popular social media today. Most social media users have the LINE app installed on their phones. But, how do you use LINE if your cellphone is lost or damaged? Of course, you have to run your LINE account on another phone, right? In other words, you have to move your LINE account to another phone.
Well, to be able to move your LINE account to another cellphone, you have to make some settings as a condition to be able to move your account to another cellphone. In short, you have to register your email and password or link your facebook account to your LINE account. The following data can still be reused when you move your LINE account to another mobile phone:
- Profile, keep and your timeline.
- List your groups and friends.
- Purchase history of paid items as well as points balance.
- Official application registration data such as LINE GAME, LINE PLAY and others (although certain applications cannot be transferred).
Meanwhile, chat history cannot be moved. In other words, it will be deleted when the account is moved. So, there’s better to do Back up chat history to save your chat history which can later be imported back into your LINE.
How to Transfer LINE Account to Another Cellphone
Previously, it was explained that to be able to move your LINE account to another cellphone, you had to do some settings. Here are some steps on how to move a Line account that you need to pay attention to.
LINE Account Settings
First open Settings on your LINE by pressing the icon Settings as shown in the image below.
Then, on the window Settings, press menu Account.
#Moving Account Using Email
1. If you want to login using email then you must first register your email by selecting the option E-mail marked in the image below.
2. Enter the email to be registered. Press OK.
3. Next is to enter the verification code sent to the email you registered. Press Register.
4. Now, your email has been successfully registered in your LINE account. Press OK.
5. After registering your email, the next step is to set your LINE account password. Press Password as marked in the image below. (Here I only change the password because the password was previously set).
6. Enter your password. Press OK.
#Moving Account Using Facebook
1. If you want to login using facebook then you must first link your facebook by selecting the option Facebook marked in the image below.
2. Then, a popup will appear as shown in the image below. Log in to your facebook account by filling in your email/phone and password then press Enter.
3. After that, press the button Continue as
Login LINE Account on New Mobile (Other)
After you have successfully done some of the settings above, now is the time for you to log in to your LINE account on another/new mobile phone. Pay attention to the steps below.
#Moving LINE Account Using Email
1. Open your LINE app. Once the app is open, press options Log in.
2. Then, enter your email address and password in the form provided. Press OK.
3. Enter your phone number that has been registered in your previous LINE account. Click Next.
4. Now, you have successfully logged into your LINE account. Wait until the synchronization process is complete.
#Moving LINE Account Using Facebook
1. Open your LINE app. Once the app is open, press options Log in.
2. Then, press Log in with Facebook as indicated by the arrow in the image below.
3. Then, a popup will appear as shown in the image below. Log in to your facebook account by filling in your email/phone and password then press Enter.
4. After that, press the button Continue as
5. Now, you have successfully logged into your LINE account. Wait until the synchronization process is complete.
That’s the discussion about how to move your LINE account to another cellphone via email and Facebook. Easy and simple, right? Well, hopefully the article above is useful and good luck. Thank you!

“If you’re doing your best, you won’t have any time to worry about failure.” H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
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