2 Ways to Download Songs on Spotify Into MP3 (Complete+Pictures)
Spotify? For those of you who like to listen to songs, you are certainly familiar with this one application. Spotify is a Swedish commercial music streaming, podcast and video service application that provides digital rights management protected content from record labels and media companies. The application which was launched on October 7, 2008 you can run on various platforms such as:
- Android
- iOS
- Windows
- OS X
- Windows Phone
- Symbian
- Linux
- Blackberry OS
- Chrome OS
- Sony PlayStation 3
- FireOS
- PlayStation 4
- Xbox One
Spotify lets you search for music by artist, album, genre, playlist, or record label. Interfaceher too human friend and clean. Even if you are new to using Spotify, you will not be difficult to find and play your favorite song because it is very easy to understand. You can also download songs from Spotify by using the app third party. There are several applications you can use.
Well, in this article I will explain how to download songs on Spotify. For further explanation, let’s see the explanation below.
How to Download Songs on Spotify
In this article, I will explain how to download songs from Spotify using Tuneskit Spotify Music Converter and Sidify Music Converter for Spotify. Below are the steps to download songs from the desktop version of Spotify.
1. Download Spotify desktop version first. Install and open the application.
2. Find and select the song you downloaded. Right click on the song or click on the icon 3-dots which is on the right side of the song. Then, click Share > Copy Song Link as indicated by the arrows in the image below.
Tuneskit Spotify Music Converter
1. Download Tuneskit Spotify Music Converter on your desktop. Install and run the application.
2. After that, this application will automatically sync with the Spotify application that you installed earlier.
3. Paste Song Link which you have copied earlier, in the box provided as marked by the red box in the image below. Then, click the icon + as indicated by the arrows in the image below.
4. After that, the song you want to download will appear. Well, you can also set the format of the song you want to download. How to click the icon 3-bars at the top of the window then click Preferences.
5. In the window preferences, You can set Format, Sample Rate, or Bitrate which determines the quality of your output. Then, click OK.
6. Now, click the button Convert as indicated by the arrows in the image below.
Here you can add more songs, meaning you can download multiple songs at once.
7. Because I use the Trial version, the song I download only lasts 1 minute. Then, click try it.
8. Wait until the download process is complete.
9. To view your downloads, click the icon list as indicated by the arrows in the image below.
10. Well, your download list will look like the image below. Click icon Search to open the folder where the song is saved.
11. Well, here’s the song you’ve downloaded.
Sidify Music Converter for Spotify
1. Download Sidify Music Converter for Spotify first. Install and run the application on your desktop.
2. To add audio to download, click Click Here to Add Audio.
3. Paste Song Link that you copied earlier, in the box provided as shown in the image below. Then, click the Add button as indicated by the arrow in the image below. Here you can add more songs, meaning you can download multiple songs at once.
4. The result will look like in the image below. Then, click OK.
5. Now, click the button Convert as indicated by the arrows in the image below.
6. Because I use the Trial version, the songs I download are only 3 minutes long. Then, click OK.
7. Wait until the download process is complete.
8, Well, your song has been successfully downloaded. Click button Open Folder to open the folder where your songs are stored.
9. To see a list of songs that you have downloaded, click the icon View History as indicated by the arrows in the image below.
10. Your song list will look like the image below. (Optional) Click the icon open folder to open the folder where your song is saved or click the icon delete to remove the song from the list. Click OK.
11. You can also set the output format of your audio. How to click the icon Settings.
12. After that a window will appear settings, You can set Output Formats, Conversion Modes, or Output Quality which determines the quality of your output. Then, click OK.
From the explanation above, if you use the trial version, Sidify Music Converter for Spotifymore profitable because it can output duration is 3 minutes while Tuneskit Spotify Music Converter only 1 minute.
That’s the discussion about how to download songs on Spotify. Well, hopefully the discussion on how to download songs from Spotify described above is useful and good luck. Thank you!

“If you’re doing your best, you won’t have any time to worry about failure.” H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
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