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2 Ways to Download Files on Github for Beginners (Full+Image)

GitHub is the most popular site in the world which is a site containing source code repositories, where we can see various operating system code and various platform programs and is the main choice for open source developers.

GitHub functions as a medium for storing scripts that we use. The script can be uploaded as well as downloaded to the GitHub site. The tool or file is available both offline and online.

When we want to run a tool or file that we download, sometimes it is hide/ cannot be seen. So we can’t delete the file/tool ​​directly. If downloaded from Github we can modify, delete and share it with others.

How to Download Files on Github for Beginners

On this github site, there are many themes or plugins from WordPress. Well, for those of you who work in this world, you can easily download it here and use it easily without the need to modify it again.

One of the advantages of downloading plugins on github is that the features provided are more complete than those downloaded on Both offer file downloads for free.

You need to know beforehand that the downloaded file will be in the form of a ZIP so you need to extract the file first. The way to extract files is not difficult. To better understand it, let’s see the tutorial below because it will be explained clearly.

1. Download Files in the Form of Folders on Github

Files/folders from GitHub can be downloaded easily. Here’s a tutorial to download it:

1. Open the site

Note: First create your github account, follow all the provided steps to register a new account.

How to Download Files on Github

2. Then look for the file/tool ​​you want to download in the search field provided, then click the file as you wish.

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3. And a lot of folders and files will appear, to download it click Clone or download as indicated by the arrow in the green column.

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4. Then click Download ZIP

How to Download Files on Github for Beginners

5. Wait until the file is finished downloading. Because the downloaded file is in the form of a ZIP, you have to extract it first. The trick is right-clicking on the ZIP-shaped file and then selecting one of the options in the table below. Or it could be by double clicking on the file.

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6. Next select a location to save the file to be extracted, then click OK.

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7. The file/tool ​​has been extracted and you can use it.

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Download Files in the Form of Single Files on Github

If what you need is only a single file form, that’s fine too. The way to download a single file on github is also easy, here are the steps:

1. Go to site

2. Find the file/tool ​​you want to download in the search field. Then click the file (same as above).

3. Now then open the folder, in that folder there are many files then select the file you want to download. For example a .circleci file

How to Download Files on Github Easily

4. And it turns out that in the folder there are still several files, then select the single file. For example Dockerfile.

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5. And will appear the codes of a program or computer coding language. Then click Raw as indicated by the arrows.

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6. Then right click and select Save as or press the button Ctrl+S on the keyboard.

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7. Create a file name, file storage location then click Save. And the file will be saved to your laptop/pc.

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Well, that’s how to download files on github on a PC/laptop, it’s quite easy isn’t it, not confusing and not complicated. If you want to download it via Android, it’s also almost the same as the method above, but there are only slight differences.

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