What You Should Know About the Artic Mode Feature in PUBG Mobile
PUBG Mobile released the new feature ‘Arctic Mode’ Thursday (16/4). This mode is only available on the snowcapped Vikendi map. Players can die if they are not smart to regulate body temperature.
Players must find firewood to maintain body temperature in the midst of an Arctic storm. There is a body temperature marker column that continues to decrease. If you don’t focus, your character might die, not because of bullets or bombs. But cold to death.
This mode will be fun. Because players don’t just have to kill each other. But they also have to try to loot as much resources as possible to survive.
The collected firewood can be used to make a bonfire. The players also have to hunt wild chickens. The obtained meat should be roasted and provide extra warmth.
Is that enough? No. PUBG also added snowboards and drones used for player mobility.
Drones can be used to locate items remotely. The drone is controlled while remaining in a room protected from the storm. Drones can also be used to locate enemies and hunt them down quickly.
But drones aren’t everything. Because the equipment has a limited battery and endurance. Meanwhile, a snowboard allows players to move faster than walking or running.
Game observer Kunal Khullar considered PUBG’s decision a bit odd. Because winter has passed. “And now it’s spring. But there are other reasons why this theme is used,” he said.
He saw Tencent, PUBG developer inspired from the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and the theme of survival. In a pandemic situation, everyone must stay at home. There were storms, but not snow. But a deadly virus.
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