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Free Items In Fortnite Due to Server Problems

After the Fortnite 3.5 game patch, many players were impressed because the server had problems due to various technical problems. Many are affected on all PC, PS4, Xbox One and mobile platforms. Most of these problems have been rectified by Epic, and as a sign of apology (read: please continue playing our games), Epic has given out freebies in the game. So whoever plays, make sure you log in quickly and then claim.

Epic is also there for confessions and apologies on other people’s websites. One gentlemen’s move.

This weekend, Epic is giving free to Battle Royale Back Bling players (new customization slot for season 3). Save the World players get the Troll Stash Llama. If you want to claim these items, you can go these modes have an in-game store.

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Additional plaques, Battle Royale players will get a “pack of Battle Stars” which can be used to rank up the Battle Pass. Save the World players get seasonal gold. But to distribute these 2 items, there must be downtime. So Epic will schedule once with a planned update to come; US Wednesday-Thursday so Malaysia on Thursday-Friday.

Epic will release a post-mortem announcement regarding the problem of the freelancer when it’s ready, and also a plan to improve services in the nearest week.

Article Guided Missile Plaque, no mention if you want to come back. In patch 3.5, Port-a-Fort has been introduced in addition to various other changes. The 8th week challenge is already here, but the 50v50 mode gets delayed until next week because of this new server problem..

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