Creature Inc Is Missing From Game Freak's Partner List
This surprising news was discovered by the Japanese website Pokemon Matome. Game Freak, as co-owner for The Pokemon Company, together with Nintendo, have removed Creatures Inc. from the partner list on their official website since November 18th.
1枚目がサイトリニューアル前、2枚目が現在)— (@inaba_yamato) December 8, 2021

It is not yet known whether this is a mere mistake or this signifies a split within the Pokemon organization. Creatures Inc. has contributed together with Game Freak in the development of Pokemon games from the start. But just became their official partner in development Pokemon X and Y in 2021.
This company is responsible for creating 3D models for Pokemon games since the series Pokemon X and Y as well as in the series Pokemon Sword and Shield. Prior to its release, Game Freak received strong criticism from its fans who discovered that the 3D model in Pokemon Sword and Shield is a 3D model that has been used before.
This fact infuriated fans, especially after Game Freak confirmed that Pokemon Sword and Shield will not include all pre-existing Pokemon.
Still, this doesn’t affect the sales figures much Pokemon Sword and Shield. Pokemon Sword and Shield sold 6 million copy. It even became the fastest-selling Nintendo Switch game in history and also the best-selling game in Japan this year.
Source: Pokemon matome Via VCG
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