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7+ Rank Order / Tier / Rank in PUBG Mobile [LENGKAP]

PUBG games have levels, rankings, ranks that can be used as a reference for how often and how good someone is in playing PUBG Mobile games.

PUBG Mobile is a popular Battle Royale genre game today among Indonesian and world gamers.

Of course, this game has achieved success on several platforms and game consoles such as PC and Xbox.

Just like other pubg mobile games, this game also has a ranking system and the promotion is based on several aspects and factors that will automatically be calculated by the autopilot system.

Knowing the PUBG tier, can make it easier for us to quickly increase and raise the tier to conqueror. Keep in mind that PUBG PC, HP and the like are the same tier. There is no difference between 1 device and another.

The following is a cellphone soak that has summarized all things related to rank and ranking.

Type of Tier/Rank/Rank in PUBG Mobile Game

Rank in PUBG Mobile

There are several types of ranks / ranks in the PUBG Mobile War Game. The Game Mode on PUBG mobile itself is divided into several game models including the classic model and KD capital for the classic model, there are 3 game models including Solo, Duo and Squad.

Between each game mode has a ranking calculation, rank or rank of each.

These calculations can be done buddy. Take a look at the Rain menu which is located on the main page of the game go mobile

PUBG Mobile, especially in the Classic mode, provides three game modes, Solo, Duo, and Squad which have their own ranking or ranking.

The calculation can also be seen on the Rank menu on the main page of the PUBG Mobile game.

Until this article was published PUBG Mobile has 4 ranks, namely: Total Ranking, Survival Ranking, Kill Ranking and Season Ranking. For an explanation of each Rank, you can see the following.

  • Total Rank, calculated based on the overall performance of players during play, ranging from Survival Rating, Kill Rating to Survival Time.

  • Survival Ranking, calculated based on the number of wins that can be obtained compared to losses. Here the calculation points start from the Win Ratio and Total Win.

  • Kill Rating, suitable for players carry who performs many assassination missions in the game. This is calculated from Most Kills, K/D Ratio and Total Kills.

  • Season Rating, calculated based on player performance in each season depending on the results of each mode in PUBG Mobile.

After we know the ranking calculation for each section as we explained above, of course, apart from the duo, Solo and squad modes, there are other calculations that will make your people better at playing this game.

Then what are the Tier Rank Sequences contained in this PUBG Mobile game? Instead of being curious, here are the reviews and snippets of the PUBG Mobile rank order that you can know.

1. Blood Bronze (Bronze)

Types of Ranking Rank in PUBG Mobile Game Blood Bronze Bronze

Blood Bronze (Bronze) This is the lowest pubg rank and the first rank when we just started playing this game.

This rank uses the PAN icon, Pan which is included in the military weapon for the category of hand guns without bullets. Using PAN can kill enemies with only 2 to 4 hits.

PUBG Mobile Tier Rank Bronze Order

  • Bronze V – Bronze IV – Bronze III – Bronze II – Bronze I

2. Unbending Silver (Silver)

Types of Ranking Rank in PUBG Mobile Unbending Silver Silver Game

The next PUBG rank/rank is Silver. We get this rank after we fulfill and pass the Bronze rank.

PUBG Mobile’s silver rank is depicted with the image of a gun. Oh yes, we also have some references about Best PUBG Weapons which you can read first.

PUBG Mobile Tier Rank Silver Order

  • Silver V – Silver IV – Silver III – Silver II – Silver I

3. Heroic Gold (Gold)

Types of Ranking Rank in the PUBG Mobile Heroic Gold Gold Game

For friends who have entered the PUBG gold rank, this is a rank for upper middle class players.

This rank is described by the shape of a weapon shotgun which became an effective weapon for short and close range combat.

PUBG Mobile Gold Tier Rank Order

  • Gold V – Gold IV – Gold III – Gold II – Gold I

4. Tough Platinum (Platinum)

Types of Ranking Rank in PUBG Mobile Tough Platinum Platinum Game

Up one rank from gold that is Platinum. At the Platinum rank, it is generally filled by people who are pro and proficient.

Therefore, this rank and rank is described by the UMP weapon which Mimin himself also uses quite often because this type of SMG weapon is very easy to find.

PUBG Mobile Platinum Tier Rank

  • Platinum V – Platinum IV – Platinum III – Platinum II – Platinum I

5. Immortal Star Diamond (Diamond)

Types of Ranking Rank in PUBG Mobile Diamond Game

After successfully passing the PUBG Mobile Platinum Rank, proceed to the Diamond rank. Of course at this rank you already know the ins and outs of the PUBG Mobile Game itself.

Besides that, your playing skills can also be said to be above average, right? It’s only natural for my friend to be able to get the AKM and M16A4 picture Rank Ranks easily and at the same time become the Diamond rank icon itself.

PUBG Mobile Diamond Tier Rank Order

  • Diamond V – Diamond IV – Diamond III – Diamond II – Diamond I

6. Glory Crown (Crown)

Types of Ranking Rank in PUBG Mobile Crown Game

The top two ranks were taken by Crown after passing the Diamond Rank on PUBG Mobile Rank. At this level players will get the rank of Crown with Kar98K as the rank icon.

Kar98K who became deadly sniper in PUBG Mobile. We will also discuss the Most Deadly and Best Sniper in PUBG Mobile, friends, stay tuned so you don’t miss it.

PUBG Mobile Tier Rank Crown Order

  • Crown V – Crown IV – Crown III – Crown II – Crown I

7. Super Ace (Ace) & Invincible God of War (Conqueror)

Types of Ranking Rank in PUBG Mobile Game Super Ace Ace Invincible God of War Conqueror

Enter the highest rank and rank in PUBG Mobile, namely Super Ace (Ace) & Invincible God of War (Conqueror). This is the final rank that you get after passing several previous ranks.

Two types of icons are obtained when you occupy this rank, namely: PAN & AWM in Gold and Two long-barreled weapons with a Level 3 Helmet in front of them wrapped in gold. It can be said that friends who have entered this Rank can be considered True Gamers hehe.

For those of you who want to know how to quickly move up the ranks of pubg, it’s a good idea to check out our article –> How to Play PUBG Mobile for Beginners, Easy for Chicken Dinner

At this level, there are no more tier levels like the previous ranks, so it can be said that it’s really stuck when you get to this stage, friend.

Some spots and places also support promotions, check it out spot where to get lethal weapons in PUBG Mobile

Those are some of our reviews about Ranks and Ranks in the Latest PUBG Mobile for friends who want to know how to get the full PUBG Mobile Tier Rank and Ranking, stay tuned, because we will continue to update articles and materials about PUBG Mobile. Hopefully Helpful~

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