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Easy Ways to Fix Manjaro Boot Error Start Job is Running for dev-disk

This error message increases the boot time of Linux manjaro to more than 1 minute

mrfdn – The state of my previous laptop was normal before I increased the number of my manjaro linux partitions.

Which was from 20 gb only, then I added it to 28 gb.

When I increase the size of this partition, my swap partition changes its location and size.

After successfully increasing the size of the partition, on boot there is a message that says start job is running for dev-disk-by blah blah blah…

The message made me have to wait about 1 minute more to get into the manjaro desktop.

Even though I can login to the desktop, but this process adds time only. Especially if I want to rush to do something.

Finally, after searching on youtube, I finally found the cause and found a solution to fix this error.

The reason is that the new uuid number is not the same as the uuid number that has been replaced after adding the partition.

And this uuid number is the uuid number contained in the linux swap partition.

Well to fix it turned out to be very easy.

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Here are the steps to fix the error start job is running for dev disk uuid

  1. Open dolphin or file explorer, go to the folder etc, then find the file named fstab
  2. Open file fstab using the file editor program, here I use kate
  3. Now open console, then type sudo blkid
  4. Look at swap partition in the console, there is a uuid code, then copy one line of code starting from uuid=”12341324″
  5. Paste the code into the fstab file that has been opened through the editor program, right in the uuid section as well. So this new code will replace the old uuid code.
  6. Don’t forget to remove the quotation marks before and after the UUID number. For more details, see the image below.
  7. Save the file. Enter your root/superuser password if required.
  8. Restart linux manjaro.
how to fix boot error linux manjaro start job is running for dev disk
see red sign

Now the error message start job is running for dev-disk is gone. I can also boot into your Linux manjaro faster and access applications normally.

If you also get this message on your linux system, maybe this article can help.

Hope it is useful.

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