31 Locations of Dandelion Seed Genshin Impact, Check it Out!
Buddy gamers certainly don’t understand the location of the dandelion seed genshin impact. Basically, there are a total of 31 point locations throughout the Mondstadt area. From Cape Town to Stormbeaer, then from Stormterror Lair to Dawn Winery. If you are a novice player in the world of Teyvat, then you don’t need to be confused. Because, here you will get quite complicated information.
As is known, dandelion seed is a material in the game Genshin Impact. Then in order to get it, gamers have to interact with the elements with your anemo character. Whether it’s using Anemo abilities from Travelers or from other characters, such as Jean and Sucrose. In addition, you can also find dandelion seeds in the Mondstadt area.
In this game, you will be given 31 gamers location of dandelion seed genshin impact appropriately. These locations are described below. Therefore, read on for the full review below. So, you can get a lot of other interesting information.
Here are 31 locations of Dandelion Seed Genshin Impact
As discussed above, that there are about 31 location points where you can get dandelion seeds. Then what you need to know is, the item has a regeneration a few hours after you take the dandelion seed. Then what is even safer is the day after taking it.
Therefore, there is no need to linger anymore, my friend, just brush the dandelion seeds that are in a number of these locations. What are you waiting for, take a look at some of these locations:
4 Points in the center of Mondstadt . City
The location of the first dandelion location is around the city center. It is known that there are 4 location points that you can visit. The first is in front of the main gate on the left or right. Then there are also those in the Northeast or North.
2 Locations of Dandelion Seed Genshin Impact in Windrise Area
When you gamers exit the city center of Mondstadt towards Windrise or East, then you will find dandelion seeds along the way. In addition, there is a line with the first location point on the seafront, it is known that the item is also stored.
4 Dandelion Seed Location Points in Stormbearer to Starsnatch Cliff
In the Stormbearer to Starsnatch Cliff region, it is known that there are more than 4 points. You can definitely find it easily.
5 Points in the Dadaupa Gorge and Cape Oath . region
If you gamers walk from Spring Vale towards Dadaupa Gorge and towards Cape Oath, then you can find 5 points where the dandelion seed is located. So, my friend can find it very easily in this Genshin Impact.
5 Spots in Wolvendom
Wolvendom is a forest of wolves. Although the name looks scary, it is known that there are 4 locations of dandelion seeds. Interestingly, you can find Small Lamp Grass in Wolvendom. In addition, you can also find dandelions in Wolfhook.
9 Points are at Dawn Winery and Stone Gate
Then with this one location, it is a forge or Liyue border with Mondstadt City. In addition, this location is also part of the Mondstadt region or the Anemo wind country. At this location, it is known that there are more than 9 points around the hills. The interesting thing is, you can see the Shrine of Depth.
Also read: How to get Primogem in the Windbrew Genshin Impact Game
Well, more or less like that, there are 31 locations of dandelion seed genshin impact that gamers can get. By looking at the guide given above, it is guaranteed that your friends will no longer have trouble finding items in this Genshin Impact game.
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