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How to Determine the Odd Even Time & Line Map Route on Google Maps

Want to know how to determine the route of the Odd Even Time & Line map on Google Maps? Recently, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government issued a new regulation, which is to apply an even payout system for motorized vehicles.

The regulation was issued because the use of motorized vehicles, both two-wheeled and four-wheeled, had exceeded the road use capacity.

With the new regulation from the DKI Jakarta Government, Google Indonesia made adjustments to Google Maps.

The new feature added is that Google Maps users can determine which Odd or Even Plate they are using.

What is the Odd Even Rule?

Odd Even Regulation is a regulation issued by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.

Its function is to regulate the use of motorized vehicles, both cars and motorbikes, which are adjusted to the last number on the vehicle.

Vehicles using odd license plates may cross the designated lane on odd dates and even numbered plates may not pass certain roads on odd dates and vice versa.

The Odd Even rule schedule is still changing according to the conditions that occur:

1. At the beginning of the implementation of the Odd Even rule, it was applied on Monday – Friday, for the morning from 07:00 – 10:00 WIB and in the afternoon from 16:00 – 20:00 WIB.

2. For Saturdays and Sundays this rule is removed.

3. During the Asian Games, the implementation of the odd-even rule is adjusted to support the activities of the Asian Games. Valid from Monday – Friday from 06:00 – 21:00 WIB.

4. Based on the plan, the new odd-even rule will end simultaneously with the completion of the Asian Paralympics Games (Paragames) on October 13, 2021 and the Asian Paragames will be held in Jakarta starting October 6, 2021.

5. There is no latest information from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government whether to continue the Odd Even rules during the Asian Games or return to the previous rules.

Actually, the basis for the implementation of the odd-even rule in the DKI Jakarta Province is because there are too many vehicles crossing roads in the capital city, causing congestion to appear everywhere.

In the end, it damages the air quality in the Capital Region and can be said to be unhealthy.

On the other hand, the number of vehicles also adds to the long list of accidents.

Because every resident today must have a vehicle, this results in reduced use of public facilities such as Trans Jakarta Buses, Electric Trains and other public transportation.

Now with the implementation of the Odd Even rule, it is hoped that all of the above problems will significantly reduce.

As well as changing people’s lifestyles from private vehicle users to public transport users such as developed cities in other countries.

Safe Tricks to Know the Odd-Even Special Map Route on Google Maps

A new feature added to the Google Maps application can determine which Odd or Even Plates they use.

That way, my friend will not go the wrong way when passing certain routes that have been determined according to their designation.

How to determine the odd-even plate can be seen in the last digit of the vehicle number, for example F 1123 DK means it is said to be an odd plate because the last number is number 3.

To determine the even number is also the same way to determine the odd number.

How to Determine the Odd Even Time & Line Map Route on Google Maps

Google Maps users in Indonesia are one of the most.

And with the Odd Even feature further increasing the popularity of Google Maps and the community is also very helpful.

For how to determine the Odd Even path & hour map route by activating the Odd Even custom map route feature on Google Maps, try the following steps:

1. Run the app Google Maps.

How to Determine Odd-Even Plates on Google Maps 1 1

2. Select Triple Strip in the upper left corner.

How to Determine Odd-Even Plates on Google Maps 2 1

3. Select an option Settings.

How to Determine Odd-Even Plates on Google Maps 3 1

4. Scroll down and select an option Navigation Settings.

How to Determine Odd-Even Plates on Google Maps 4 1

5. Choose an option Avoid roads with odd-even license plate rules.

How to Determine Odd-Even Plates on Google Maps 5 1

6. Now you can choose according to your vehicle number plate.

Since the admin vehicle plate is even, the admin chooses the even number plate option and then selects the option SAVE.

How to Determine Odd-Even Plates on Google Maps 6 1

So, those are some steps that you need to do to be able to activate the Odd Even plate navigation feature on the Google Maps application.

When you use the Google Maps application as a navigation tool, when you use Google Maps, it will automatically create a path that is adjusted to the condition of your vehicle plate.

So there is no problem for you to do activities every day because if today is special for even plate vehicles while your vehicle plate is odd, then Google Maps will create a special route for you.

It’s just that the distance may be longer and take longer because they have to avoid routes that should not be passed.

Valid Hours & Areas Affected by Odd Even Rules in Jakarta

The Odd-Even Rule basically does not apply to all roads, but only applies to certain roads, namely on certain roads or can cause traffic jams at the time of leaving and returning from work.

1. Odd-Even Cikampek Toll Road

The Odd Even Rule starts for five working days, Monday – Friday from 06:00 – 09:00 except for national holidays.

This scheme applies to private vehicles that pass through the top gates of West Bekasi and East Bekasi that lead to Jakarta.

In addition to private vehicles, this rule also applies to goods transporting vehicles for groups 3, 4 and 5.

There is no difference in the days or hours of operation, it’s just that this rule applies both ways.

2. Odd Even Tangerang Toll Road

In addition to the Cikampek toll road which is known to be busy, the Tangerang area toll road is also no less excited.

Lots of private vehicles and goods transport vehicles that appear from the Tangerang area to the capital city of Jakarta.

In the end, the government had to enforce the odd-even rule on the Tangerang toll road, namely the Tangerang 2 toll road and the Kunciran 2 toll gate.

Odd-Even applies from 06:00 – 09:00 from Monday – Friday for both private vehicles and large vehicles with specifications having three axles and above are prohibited from operating.

3. Odd Even Jagorawi Toll Road (Jakarta, Bogor, Ciawi)

The Jagorawi Toll Road is one of the busiest routes because there are many workers from the Bogor and Ciawi areas who work in the capital city.

And in addition, there are many companies in the area, of course, freight vehicles also add to the congestion of the Jagorawi toll road.

There are at least 3 toll gates that are concerned with the implementation of the Odd Even rule for the Jagorawi toll road:

1. The first is the Cibubur 2 toll gate, which includes the application of the odd-even rule at the Cibubur 2-way toll gate, Jakarta starting at 06:00 – 09:00 WIB on Monday – Friday except for national holidays.

Furthermore, public transportation from Bogor – Pasar Rebo towards Jakarta starts at 06:00 – 09:00 WIB on weekdays, namely Monday – Friday except for national holidays.

Continued with the development of the JR Connexion route in residential locations, namely tourism legend, grand image, cibubur country, metland transyogi, and cibubur residence.

again2. The second is the Jakarta – Tangerang toll road, which is carried out at the Tangerang 2 toll gate and the Jakarta lock 2 way toll road at 06:00-09:00 WIB on Monday – Friday except for national holidays.

Application of LKAU from Tangerang – Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta, every 06:00 – 09:00 WIB every Monday-Friday except for national holidays.

The implementation of restrictions on the transportation of goods for vehicles with class III-V starting from the Cikupa – Tomang toll road for two directions starting at 06:00-09:00 WIB on Monday-Friday except for national holidays.

Furthermore, the development of the JR Connexion route in residential locations, namely Citra Raya housing, Alam Sutra, Jasmine Villa, BSD City, and Banjar Raya housing complex.

Odd Even Valid Hours for Jakarta and Surrounding Routes

In general, the implementation of the odd-even system in each region is the same, starting at 06:00 – 09:00 for the morning and for the afternoon starting at 16:00 – 20:00.

And if there are certain conditions such as the Asian Games, etc., the rules for using Odd-Even plates can be adjusted for the comfort of the athletes.

Vehicles that are not subject to the odd-even rule

The rules do need to exist and must be obeyed, but not all vehicles can follow the rules that have been made because there are things that must be or become priorities.

The following is a list of vehicles that are not subject to the Odd – Even rule:

1. Vehicles belonging to the leadership of a high state institution:

  • President or Vice President
  • Chairman of the MPR, DPR and DPD
  • Head of MA, MK, KY and BPK

2. Vehicles of leaders and officials of foreign countries and international institutions who are guests of the state

3. Service vehicles belonging to the TNI and Polri

4. Vehicles for Athletes and Officials that have a special sign or have an Asian Para Games sticker

5. Fire and Ambulance Vehicles

6. Special vehicles used to provide assistance in traffic accidents

7. Vehicles from public transportation with yellow plates

8. Oil and gas-fueled goods transport vehicles

9. Vehicles carrying people with disabilities

Additional Info How to Determine Odd-Even Plates on Google Maps

1. When using Google Maps, make sure the cellphone battery is at a level above 50%, because when using Google Maps the battery usage becomes more wasteful.

2. To avoid losing routes and positions due to a bad internet connection or lost signal, it would be better if you download an Offline Map specifically for the area that you usually pass.

3. The Google Maps application now has a motorbike mode.

So for those of you who use motorbikes for daily activities, you don’t have to worry about entering the toll road because you made a mistake in determining the road to be passed.

4. If you use an offline map in the Google Maps application, make sure you always update the offline map to always get the latest updates about the area that you downloaded.

Those were some of the ways you can do to determine the odd-even plate on Google Maps.

Also understand the additional info from the Admin so that my friend understands more about all the explanations that the Admin has given.

Hopefully this tutorial on How to Determine the Odd Even Time and Track Map Route on Google Maps can help my friend.

Please also share this article on your social media. Good luck!

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